SPSTI: well-trained, well-certified

By May 1, 2025, all inter-company occupational health and prevention services (SPSTI) in France must be certified. It's time to get trained, with AFNOR Compétences.

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With a deadline of May1, 2025, the Services de prévention et de santé au travail interentreprises (SPSTI) have a good year left to obtain their quality certification. A decree dated July 27, 2023, following the publication of the related AFNOR Spec 2217 quality standard, states that displaying this seal of approval will then be compulsory ( available at ).

The mission of SPSTI? Keep employees of member companies in a satisfactory state of health and in a safe, healthy workplace, thus enabling them to remain in employment. A mission enshrined in the Labour Code. To prepare for a certification audit, a little training is essential. AFNOR Compétences offers one , and our trainer Frédéric Mounier explains the ins and outs.