Like them, become a QWL evaluator

Hélène, Pascale and Sabah tell us how they became Quality of Life at Work evaluators by training with AFNOR Compétences.

Reading time : 1 minute

Hélène, Pascale and Sabah talk about how and why they became Quality of Life at Work evaluators by training with AFNOR Compétences. The demand is there.

The health crisis linked to the covid-19 pandemic has turned our relationship with work on its head. Change is having a profound impact on corporate life, and employees are demanding a more comfortable working environment, prompting employers to focus on what is still all too often an afterthought in their eyes: a structured QWL approach. This has given rise to a new profession, or at least a new mission: the evaluation of QWL initiatives. To carry out these assessments, you need properly trained men and women.