Last days before the Qualiopi requirement

At the Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat de Bretagne, Qualiopi certification has enabled regional teams to talk to each other and successfully implement change.

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Chambre des métiers de Bretagne - QualipoiBy June 30, 2022, quality certification will be required to continue operating in the mutual-funded vocational training market. The Chambre de métiers et d’artisanat de Bretagne didn’t wait. The approach served as an aid to change management.

Bakers, restaurateurs, body repairers, carpenters, personal care workers… There are 83,000 craftsmen and women working in Brittany, some of them in over-supply today due to the post-Covid economic recovery. As a result, there’s a huge need for trained, skilled workers. At the Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat de Bretagne, we train 7,600 apprentices a year. Some seven campuses offer 138 courses leading to 118 diplomas. We also offer continuing training at a total of 17 sites: technical training, cross-disciplinary training and business start-up courses.

With more than 800 employees, two-thirds of whom are teachers, one might have imagined that the Qualiopi certification process, required from January1, 2022 to continue to welcome learners who have had their training financed by mutualized funds, would cause teeth to grind in this region. A decree dated December 28, 2021 extends the deadline for submitting this quality certification to June 30, 2022, provided that you have contracted with a certifying body before January1 to conduct the audit by then.

Photo credit: ©CMA/DR