Territorial managers: videos to help you start your term of office

Territorial managers and DGSs: free distance training on key issues at the start of a new term of office

Reading time : 2 minutes

IdealCO and the AFNOR Group have joined forces to support local managers in setting up the new 2020 municipal teams. The videos recorded this summer are freely available: a mine of information for those wishing to get their early mandate projects on track.

Do you know AFNOR&CO? It’s the village of citizen innovation and responsible territories. Created in early 2020, at the height of the covid-19 health crisis, it has already brought together more than 1,200 territorial managers: all have benefited from free feedback and tool presentations delivered online, within the community hosted by idealCO.

Following on from the kit available to all elected representatives and their teams, AFNOR&CO webinar replays are now available online, free of charge. Delivering solutions to post-covid territorial challenges, they also enable us to take a longer-term view. You’ll find tips on how to anticipate the increase in social demand expected in the coming weeks, or how to secure your financial management in the face of foreseeable tax revenue losses…

Helping to transform public action

These webinars are designed not only to help you cope, but also to transform public action. That’s what AFNOR&CO is all about: today, more than ever, an organization must manage day-to-day operations, but it must also lead change.

We offer you tools and expertise, and open up the possibility of working together, with or without us. Select the topic you’re interested in and register directly to view the video at your own pace.