Mobility, logistics and transport: when standards help you go on the offensive

AFNOR Editions shares a fact in a free downloadable dossier: transport and logistics companies are supporting their all-out development through voluntary standards, without waiting for everything to come from the public authorities.

Reading time : 2 minutes

AFNOR Editions shares a fact in a free downloadable dossier: transport and logistics companies are supporting their all-out development through voluntary standards, without waiting for everything to come from the public authorities.

Competitiveness is a major challenge for the logistics sector, from the point of view of companies and regions alike. Hence the idea of a “French Masterplan” to optimize logistics. Without waiting for the “France Logistique 2025” strategy, companies are already on the move, using the power of influence offered by voluntary standardization.

Change drives new practices

E-commerce, pooling, energy efficiency, green logistics, collaborative economy… Projects have already been launched by professionals and all stakeholders, in standardization offices. The innovation is there: aware that business development cannot be achieved without a collective approach, the sectors are defining shared benchmarks, beneficial to all, based on their respective expertise. This is the very essence of voluntary standardization, whether on a French or international scale.

And there is no shortage of challenges: facilitating dialogue between the many stakeholders in an industry; agreeing on safety and quality thresholds, for products as well as services; drawing up guidelines for achieving collectively-defined objectives…

Knowing so you can act

In order not to miss out on these initiatives, to be able to analyze at the right moment the opportunity to participate directly, or simply to be alerted in order to save time, many professionals are developing an active and strategic watch on voluntary standards.

Photo credit @stockvault