French standard NF Z42-013 on electronic archiving transposed into an international standard by ISO

AFNOR NF Z42-013 becomes an international standard! Published under the title ISO 14641-1, the standard covers specifications for the design and operation of IT systems used for electronic archiving. A standard now available to companies worldwide!

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Shortly after the publication of NF Z42-013 in 2009, AFNOR submitted this document to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), with a view to its possible adoption as an international standard. Following this proposal, and the involvement of members of the French delegation in promoting the standard, ISO technical committee TC171/SC3 “Document management applications – General” organized a vote among the 14 member countries. The majority of members voted in favor of transposing the French standard into an international one. Digital documents are used every day by companies and organizations. They can be opened at the click of a button, received and distributed via e-mail… But they often need to be stored within an IT system. The ISO 14641-1 standard provides companies with specifications for the technical and organizational measures to be implemented for the recording, archiving, consultation and communication of digital documents, in order to ensure their preservation and integrity. These specifications aim to ensure that digital documents are captured, archived, restored and communicated in such a way that it is possible to ensure that the archived document retains the same value as the original document throughout the entire retention period. The standard is primarily aimed at organizations and companies wishing to implement IT systems in which they can archive digital documents. It is also aimed at IT service companies and software publishers wishing to design systems to ensure the finality and integrity of digital documents, and at companies providing third-party digital document archiving services on behalf of their principals.    The AFNOR CN 171 commission drew up the NF Z42-013 standard, now ISO 14641-1. > To find out more about the AFNOR CN 171 commission…> To order the standard…