Participez aux Trophées RESONANCE de la RSE/RSO en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Venez rencontrer les six lauréats des Trophées RESONANCE RSE 2024 et découvrir leurs engagements RSE, dont deux sont labellisés Engagé RSE.
Le concepteur du trophée est aussi un labellisé Engagé RSE : Entreprise ADAM.
Joignez-vous à nous pour la remise des prix le jeudi 28 novembre à partir de 14h30 à Darwin (Bordeaux) à l’occasion des Rencontres Résonance et votez en direct pour la structure qui recevra le prix coup de cœur du public !
Inscription obligatoire auprès de notre partenaire : Rencontres Résonance de la RSE/RSO
AFNOR Nouvelle-Aquitaine est votre interlocuteur AFNOR privilégié dans votre région.
Entreprises, organisations professionnelles, groupements, collectivités…notre équipe régionale vous accompagne pour identifier et mettre en œuvre les solutions individuelles ou collectives les plus efficaces pour répondre à vos enjeux de développement : élaboration de normes volontaires, veille normative, formation, certification, évaluation et labels…
Nous vous soutenons sur tous les fondamentaux de la performance : qualité, environnement, santé et sécurité au travail, responsabilité sociétale… Nous vous accompagnons également sur des sujets plus spécifiques tels que la sécurité des denrées alimentaires.
Et nous sommes à vos côtés pour relever les défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain : transition écologique et énergétique, confiance numérique, entreprise du futur, économie circulaire…
Take ownership of a new voluntary standard, benchmark with other organizations in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, join a community of committed players… From Bordeaux, we are connected with numerous partners to offer you collective support programs tailored to your needs.
The 3D program (Destination Développement Durable) is a collective initiative developed since 2006 with the Coopération agricole and ARIA Nouvelle-Aquitaine, with the support of the regional council and the French government. This program enables companies in the sector to commit to a CSR approach, to make progress and to communicate on their CSR performance. The program prepares companies for the Engagé RSE label and the Coopérative So Responsable label.
RESONANCE est un réseau des réseaux professionnels engagés pour le développement des démarches de RSE dans leurs filières et secteurs d’activité. Lancé en 2016, il permet de rendre visible toutes les initiatives régionales et collectives sur la RSE avec la norme volontaire ISO 26000 et les ODD en référence. La délégation d’AFNOR en Nouvelle-Aquitaine est partenaire fondateur du réseau animé par notre partenaire ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Nearly one human being in five leaves his or her place of residence temporarily… just for the pleasure of visiting another! Every year, tourism grows worldwide. At this rate, can the planet keep up?
Tourism means carbon-intensive travel, disruption of natural environments, massive waste production… Are tourism and sustainable development compatible? Yes, if everyone is careful, tourists and hosts alike.
In Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the AFNOR group, via its subsidiary AFNOR Certification, awards the European ecolabel for tourist accommodation after a successful audit. Known and recognized for its flower-shaped logo, supported by ADEME in France, it is the only official eco-label common to all member countries of the European Union. A huge guarantee of visibility! All tourist accommodation services are eligible: hotels, campsites, vacation villages, B&Bs, etc.
Do you run a site that receives visitors? To meet the demands of tourists who are increasingly attentive to the environmental commitment of the tourist sites they visit, get NF environnement Site de visite certification! This audit-based certification enhances your commitments and sets you apart from your competitors, thanks to strong commitments in the areas of energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, more responsible digital technology, team training, etc.
Sustainable development in healthcare: the
RSE SANTE project
project, launched in 2020, is led by the ADSNA association, with technical support from AFNOR and NEPSEN Evolution, and backing from the regional council and ARS de Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Professional federations from the healthcare and medico-social sectors are partners in the project. A CSR SANTE diagnostic tool is currently being tested for deployment in healthcare establishments in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
According to the Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) 2021, published by Verizon, 82% of cyber attacks involve the human factor. It is therefore essential that employees at all levels of the company are made aware of the practices to avoid and the right reflexes to adopt in order to be more vigilant and render intrusion attempts ineffective. Through its subsidiary AFNOR Compétences, the AFNOR Group offers you a free training program developed by BPI France.
Back in 2018, AFNOR Nouvelle-Aquitaine proposed an annual meeting to review the latest energy news. We invite you to revive this tradition with the ISO 50001 ENERGY EXPERT CLUB Nouvelle-Aquitaine, over the course of 3 meetings a year.
How do you come up with new ideas for energy efficiency? How do I organize my application for financial assistance? How to avoid the pitfalls of a certification audit? The club’s objective is clearly stated: to go beyond the latest energy-related standards and regulations.
The Fédération des SCOP du BTP de Nouvelle-Aquitaine helps all SCOPs in the sector to embark on the path of social responsibility. A tailor-made support program combines training and actions with the aim of achieving certification. This project has been launched with the AFNOR group, and the support of Constructys and the Regional Council.
We support local authorities and inter-municipalities in New Aquitaine in their ambition to adapt their organizations and services to economic, societal and environmental transitions. This translates into :
3 avenue Rudolf Diesel – Bât. B
33700 Mérignac
Streetcar line A, Caroline d’Aigle stop
Amélie Jolivet
Tel: 05 57 29 14 33
See the email
Sabrina Dubois
Project Manager
Amélie Jolivet
Regional Development Assistant
View profile
Fernanda PEREYRA
CSR Engineer
Need information or have a question? Contact us