Occitanie Delegation

Our events in the Occitanie region

AFNOR Occitanie is your privileged AFNOR contact in your region.


Businesses, professional organizations, groups, local authorities…our regional team can help you identify and implement the most effective individual or collective solutions to meet your development challenges: development of voluntary standards, standards monitoring, training, certification, assessment and labels…
We support you in all the fundamentals of performance: quality, environment, health and safety in the workplace, social responsibility… And we are at your side to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow: ecological and energy transition, digital confidence, the company of the future, circular economy…

We support you with group programs

Adopt a new voluntary standard, benchmark with other organizations in Occitanie, join a community of committed players… From Montpellier and Toulouse, we are connected with numerous partners to offer you collective support programs tailored to your needs.

OPCO Objectif RSE Iso 26000 Tarn & Garonne

Lancement en octobre 2024 : TPE/PME du Tarn et Garonne: engagez-vous collectivement dans une stratégie RSE

Proposé par la délégation Occitanie du Groupe AFNOR, CCI Tarn-et-Garonne et B2M Campus formation, ce dispositif rassemble et soutient les entreprises dans leur engagement de Responsabilité Sociétale (RSE).

Formation, ateliers de travail collectifs, suivi individuel, tels sont les services dont les TPE/PME bénéficieront pendant près de 8 mois. A l’issue du parcours, les entreprises auront défini une stratégie/politique RSE formalisant leurs engagements et une première feuille de route mentionnant les actions prioritaires à déployer en matière de RSE.

La RSE est un enjeu pour votre entreprise ? Rejoignez ce collectif !

Small businesses in the Gers: commit collectively to a CSR strategy

L’OPCO TRAJECTOIRE RSE ISO 26000 est une opération collective au bénéfice des TPE et PME implantées dans le Gers.

Proposé par la CCI Gers, CCI Gers Pôle Formation et la délégation Occitanie du Groupe AFNOR, ce dispositif rassemble et soutient les entreprises dans l’élaboration d’une stratégie RSE et d’une première feuille de route pour engager des actions concrètes.

Formation, ateliers de partage de bonnes pratiques, apports d’expert, suivi individuel, tels sont les services dont les TPE/PME bénéficieront pendant 6 mois.

La RSE est un enjeu pour votre entreprise et vous regrettez de ne pas avoir intégré ce parcours ? Soyez rassuré, il sera renouvelé début 2025. Contactez-nous dès à présent pour vous positionner !

Local authorities and territories

We support local authorities and intermunicipalities in Occitanie in their ambition to adapt their organizations and services to economic, societal and environmental transitions. This translates into :

  • the deployment of quality initiatives, particularly in terms of user service quality,
  • improving the quality of working life for their employees, who are looking for meaning,
  • change management based on the compass of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals(Agenda 2030).

Contact us

In Montpellier
770 avenue Alfred Sauvy
Les latitudes Nord building
34 470 Pérols

Corinne Miramont
Tel. : 04 99 52 24 00
See the email

In Toulouse
Immeuble Stratège- B2
51 rue Ampère
31,670 Labège

Nathalie Maraval
Tel. : 05 61 39 76 76
See the email

Active member of professional networks

View standards in Occitania

Where and when can you consult standards in Occitania?

In Occitanie, you have two options for consulting standards, with our Montpellier and Toulouse sites! We are at your disposal, by appointment, to facilitate your visit and ensure quality service.

  • Montpellier site
    Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Toulouse site
    Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Who can consult the standards in Montpellier and Toulouse, and how?

Professionals, individuals and students are welcome to consult all French national (NF), European (NF EN) and international (NF ISO, NF IEC, ISO and IEC) standards via our SAGAWEB/COBAZ solution. At a computer workstation on our premises, you can browse through the texts that interest you, moving from one document to another as you need to! You can also buy French standards directly from AFNOR Editions.

It is also possible to obtain, on site, a printout of the information you are looking for in French standards of national origin only, subject to payment of a reproduction fee of 18 centimes per page. This amount must be paid in cash or by cheque. Please note that this printout is for your personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes.

In view of the copyright enjoyed by European (CEN and CENELEC) and international (ISO and IEC) bodies, French standards of European (NF EN) and international (NF ISO, NF IEC, ISO and IEC) origin cannot be printed on site and are only available for sale. on the AFNOR Editions website.

Which standard to consult? How can I identify the most appropriate standard for my project?

Not sure which voluntary standard is best suited to your activities or project in Occitanie? Call our norminfo service on 01 41 62 76 44 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm) or fill in the contact form. This will give you the reference for the relevant standard, which you can consult free of charge in Montpellier or Toulouse.

Have you considered taking part in writing the standards?

Consulting and applying standards generates objective gains for an organization. Did you know that these documents are written and updated by the people who use them? Many organizations in Occitanie have understood this and are taking part. AFNOR’s doors are open to anyone who wants to get involved. Talk to us about joining a standards committee .

What books can you consult at our Montpellier and Toulouse offices?

AFNOR Editions is one of France’s leading publishers of professional and technical books. From our sites in Montpellier and Toulouse, you can consult the latest books available: some fifty are published each year on all the crucial themes of the economy and business life: energy performance, environment, human resources, construction, agri-food, risk management, project management, quality, sustainable development and CSR, business intelligence, intercultural, professional effectiveness…

The team on Linkedin

Patrice Garcia
Délégué régional


Consulter son profil

Nathalie Maraval

Consulter son profil

Corinne Miramont

Consulter son profil

Violette Pelissou
Experte RSE

Consulter son profil

Christine Sorli
Déléguée régionale adjointe
Consulter son profil

Need information or have a question? Contact us