A practical guide to launching your gender equality initiative
AFNOR Spec X30-020 defines best practices for advancing equality between women and men. Pending a future ISO standard....
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AFNOR Spec X30-020 defines best practices for advancing equality between women and men. Pending a future ISO standard....
The AFNOR Group and the Centre-Val de Loire Region helped 11 small and medium-sized businesses structure their CSR approach around...
Standard NF EN 17444 sets out best practices for limiting the presence of doping substances in sports foods and dietary...
Through a partnership signed in June 20201, ALLIS-NA and AFNOR support the competitiveness of the healthcare industry in Nouvelle-Aquitaine....
A decree dated May 4, 2021 makes other companies subject to IRVE (infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles) qualification. Design firms...
AFNOR launches an open call for tenders to contribute to the activities of CEN/TC 455 Biostimulants. Deadline: July 5th, 2021....
The French government supports French players in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) by creating voluntary standards, driven by AFNOR....
The AFNOR group is offering 12 small and medium-sized businesses in Normandy support in the form of training, diagnostics, benchmarks...
What if all the economic players in a given district or industrial zone worked together to improve their energy performance?...