Exclusive: soon a standard for breaded fish squares
AFNOR is working with the fishing industry on the size of blocks of breaded fish. Sharpen your frying pans and...
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AFNOR is working with the fishing industry on the size of blocks of breaded fish. Sharpen your frying pans and...
Would you like to embark on an eco-design approach? In the European ecolabel? Energy audits of commercial buildings? If you're...
In order to reconcile health measures with the practice of indoor sports, AFNOR has issued the AFNOR SPEC S70-001 guide...
The 2016 XP X60-600 standard, which provides guidelines for activities relating to social mediation, is set to evolve into an...
Downloaded over a million times in French, the AFNOR Spec - Masques Barrières document of March 27, 2020, for industrial...
On January 26, 2021, come and discover how voluntary standards can support your zero-carbon footprint initiatives....
Find out what companies are doing in terms of the circular economy, with the findings of a study by the...
Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials: CEN, CENELEC and ETSI have received a mandate to open call for tenders for two Project Leaders...
The management of risks associated with medical devices and regulatory developments require professionals to continuously improve their skills. You have...