How can you measure your CSR performance and assess your level of integration of ISO 26000 guidelines? Nothing could be easier with Diag RSE online. Once you’ve completed the online self-assessment, you can calmly move on to the next stage in your responsible approach: applying for the Engagé RSE label.

How to self-assess ISO 26000?

Congratulations on your CSR strategy and concrete action plan! To lend credibility to your corporate social responsibility approach and enhance the value of your sustainable commitment, a self-assessment is essential. AFNOR Certification offers an online tool for self-assessment on the core themes of the ISO 26000 standard.

The Diag RSE online (formerly known as e-Engagé RSE) consists of 20 questions. Remote control by an assessor is possible, and results in the issue of a certificate only for organizations committed to achieving the Engagé RSE or RSO label within one year.

If your company contributes to sustainable development objectives through its social responsibility approach, choose the Diag online ODD contributor.

What are the benefits of Diag RSE online?

Thanks to this voluntary self-assessment process, your company benefits from a number of advantages:

  • Initial measurement of your CSR commitment based on 20 key ISO 26000 criteria
  • Identification of strengths and areas for continuous improvement
  • Comparison of CSR/RSO positioning with companies in your market
  • For companies that contribute to the SDGs, you’ll get a status report on how sustainable development objectives are taken into account in your strategy, governance and management system.

Possibility of obtaining a certificate if you commit your organization to obtaining the Engagé RSE label within one year.

How do you prepare for the Engagé RSE label?

Once you have completed the self-assessment, you can secure your application for the Engagé RSE label with Objectif Engagé RSE :

  • An independent appraiser carries out an on-site visit;
  • You can fine-tune your preparation thanks to a report produced under the conditions of a certification assessment;
  • You’re ready to take the Engagé RSE label assessment.

Organizations that have been awarded the Engagé RSE label report a successful track record, especially now that the label has been joined by Responsibility Europe, a distinguishing mark for their commitments and practices on a European scale.

Bandeau labellisés Responsibility Europe
Bandeau S'auto-évaluer sur l'ISO 26000 et labelliser sa démarche
Bandeau labellisés Responsibility Europe

Find out what AFNOR Certification accredited organizations have to say(PDF, June 2022)!

Do you work for a company with fewer than 50 employees? The Engagé label isn’t just for large groups – far from it! Discover the AFNOR Certification CSR guide for SMEs and VSEs.

The Engagé RSE label will also help you prepare for the sustainability reporting required of companies with more than 250 employees by the CSRD directive, in 2025 for the 2024 financial year report. Download our white paper here!