What are the CSR professions?

Choosing a meaningful career and developing skills in social responsibility: in the face of today’s challenges, training in sustainable development and CSR is urgently needed.

The CSR and sustainable development professions are increasingly represented within the company. Whether they have a green connotation or not (with wording close to that of environmental management), whether they are highly operational or, on the contrary, strategic, all hierarchical levels are concerned.

CSR project manager, sustainable development manager, CSR manager, environmental project manager… While some professions are evolving, others are being created. The desire to be more sustainable or the need to deal with health and economic crises such as COVID-19, for example.

In both cases, CSR skills can’t be improvised: your company needs to focus on training its teams, enabling them to enhance their skills in social and environmental issues.

The companies best prepared for unforeseen risks are those that share a responsible corporate culture, framed internally by trained and competent change agents.

How can you develop your CSR skills?

Sustainable development, social responsibility, ISO 26000, quality of life at work… If you’re just starting out, these concepts can quickly lose you. To master them and become a CSR expert, training is useful.

Thanks to this voluntary approach, your company can :

  • Discover or gain a better understanding of CSR and sustainable development priorities, based on the voluntary ISO 26000 standard.
  • Discover more specific notions of CSR, such as compliance, responsible purchasing and extra-financial reporting.
  • Plan, structure and implement a CSR strategy, based on the ISO 26000 standard.
  • Receive a certificate of training, which will enable you to pass on your knowledge internally and involve stakeholders in a CSR approach.