Preventing discrimination and respecting equal opportunities: are these two approaches part of your commitments? To your company’s credit, it promotes diversity.

What is corporate diversity?

Corporate diversity is a broad concept, ranging from anti-discrimination strategies to professional equality. Discrimination includes racial, ethnic, religious, age-related and physical discrimination. From recruitment to day-to-day corporate life, diversity needs to permeate at all times and at all levels.

If diversity has one key value, it’s to exploit differences as levers for performance. A company wishing to promote a policy of diversity will need to reconcile human values and concrete actions, with a view to continuously improving the management of its human resources.

Promote your commitment with the Diversity label

The Diversity label recognizes respect for diversity within the company. Thanks to this voluntary label, each organization can demonstrate its commitment to diversity with regard to the 25 discrimination criteria defined by law.

The Diversity label has several objectives:

  • Promoting unifying human values
  • Contributing to and supporting social dialogue
  • Promoting local roots
  • Reflect the diversity of customers and/or users, and of French society in general

The label is managed by the French General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training (DGEFP), in conjunction with the General Directorate for Administration and the Civil Service (DGAFP). The label is awarded for a period of 4 years if the audit and assessment are favorable to diversity criteria.