Get support for your CSR approach

There are as many ways of approaching CSR as there are companies. Even before getting started, some will need to structure their approach, for example by linking it to the SDGs. Others, more advanced, have followed the recommendations of the voluntary ISO 26000 standard, but realize that their isolated approaches constitute pieces of a large puzzle to be assembled. Still others are anticipating the new framework for sustainability reporting that the CSRD directive will lay down, and don’t know how to go about it. Whatever your stage of development, you’ll benefit from getting help!

Support for all CSR managers

From helping you initiate and manage your CSR roadmap, to (re)defining your company’s raison d’être, or working alongside you to reveal, enhance and harmonize your practices, prepare a double materiality analysis and organize the collection of extra-financial indicators for the CSRD directive, the AFNOR Group’s consulting offer is tailored to your needs.
Based on a proven methodology, the IMPACTmethod, our CSR consultants can integrate with your teams to bring out the full force of your approach. And make sure it bears fruit, by explaining the best practices!

Get involved






Start your transitions with maximum impact

You’ll learn techniques and methods for individual and collective growth. The IMPACT method saves you time, facilitates change and the implementation of your CSR approach.

Accompagnement conseil RSE

There’s no need to start from scratch: you’ll see that you can capitalize on what already exists, and make the most of it. There are forces at work in your organization. Identifying the playing field and the means, supports and obstacles will be your trump card. Let us help you produce an ambitious but realistic roadmap, with concrete recommendations.

The philosophy behind our approach is to involve as many stakeholders as possible in a shared sustainable project. Learning by doing, working in project mode and producing useful results will enable your teams to make progress on all fronts at the same time and in a sustainable way – it’s possible!

Customization and flexibility

With the IMPACTmethod, we adapt to your pace. Your project may take a few days to complete, or several months. Together, we define a schedule that takes into account the challenges facing your organization. With AFNOR, there are no surprises: we calibrate the project as precisely as possible.

A rhythm

An operating framework



They trust us

“Getting support allows us to get to the heart of the matter, motivate our teams and plan our steps. Without this help, we certainly wouldn’t have managed to focus on ISO 20121, let alone seen the end of the road.”

Thierry Bourgeois, General Manager, LMA

“The consultant plays an essential role alongside us, setting the framework, and enabling us to tick the right boxes as we go along: getting our staff on board, appointing a pilot, sharing information at the right time, checking that the new procedures are going to be applied, going all the way to certification, and above all, not letting the soufflé fall back!”

Patrick-M Touitou, General Manager Les Jardins de la Cité

Their challenge

Structuring your approach around the ISO 20121 standard for responsible events