Responsible purchasing is an important part of a CSR approach. They place the buyer at the center of the process. The benefits are many: for the planet, your company, the local area, stakeholders…

What is responsible purchasing?

The concept of responsible purchasing refers to goods and services chosen because, over and above their level of quality, they meet environmental and societal criteria. Responsible purchasing is therefore part of a CSR approach, drawing on notions of solidarity, ethics, sustainable development and equity.

Best practices in responsible purchasing are described in the voluntary ISO 20400 standard.

Why switch to responsible purchasing?

A responsible purchasing policy benefits both the company and its stakeholders. There are many reasons for this:

  • Contribute to the company’s CSR approach and the achievement of the SDGs
  • Reducing social and environmental risks and impacts
  • Reduce costs, especially those linked to supply disruptions
  • Improving and measuring business performance
  • Improving the quality and efficiency of supplier relations, in particular with SSE (social economy) players
  • Satisfy customer demand for sustainable products and services
  • Enhance the company’s innovative image and reputation
  • Strengthening competitive advantage

How to make a successful transition to more sustainable purchasing?

The best way to implement a responsible purchasing policy is to seek support. With training and expert help, the transition to a sustainable approach will be easier. As with the implementation of a CSR strategy, the important thing is to frame the approach properly. ISO 20400, for example, encourages companies to ask themselves the right questions, before adopting the right practices.

This transition can only be achieved in stages: defining sustainable purchasing objectives, understanding the CSR challenges facing the purchasing function and incorporating them into the action plan, training employees in this new approach, implementing concrete actions… Not forgetting to promote your commitments through a label.