En 2017, l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes a été déclarée grande cause nationale du quinquennat. Voici quatre démarches pour y contribuer en entreprise : l’application des recommandations de la norme volontaire ISO 53800 de mai 2024, la montée en compétences de vos équipes chargées du sujet par le biais de formations ou d’un accompagnement IMPACT, l’obtention volontaire du label Egalité professionnelle et le calcul obligatoire de l’Index de l’égalité salariale.
Consultable dans la collection AFNOR ici, la norme volontaire NF ISO 53800 vous aide à déployer une démarche d’égalité femmes-hommes dans votre organisation, sans rien laisser de côté. Publiée en mai 2024, elle est le fruit d’un travail international initié par la France, qui possédait déjà depuis 2021 le guide AFNOR SPEC X30-020,rédigé avec des parties prenantes publiques et privées.
Le texte réserve une première partie aux définitions. Viennent ensuite les « lignes directrices » qui vous permettront d’élaborer une feuille de route dotée d’un plan d’actions exhaustif. Les annexes (15 pages) livrent une série de cas d’usage terrain.
Le texte apporte de l’aide pour se conformer à plusieurs des Objectifs de développement durable des Nations-Unies (ODD), en particulier à l’ODD n° 5, puisque 104 des 246 indicateurs de l’ONU ont des cibles liées au genre (source OCDE 2020). La norme ISO 53800 attaque le sujet de l’égalité femmes-hommes à travers la dimension interne de l’organisation, son activité et ses investissements, ses relations externes, ainsi que sa communication interne et externe. Elle ne couvre pas seulement la sphère professionnelle et aborde tous les aspects de la vie des filles et des femmes. Point important : elle n’est pas certifiable.
Is your company implementing a gender equality program? It’s time to make the most of this commitment, with a voluntary label!
The Égalité professionnelle label attests to your exemplary commitment to improving gender equality. It can be awarded to companies of all sizes. The assessment covers concrete actions in favor of professional equality, human resources and management management, as well as support for parenthood in the workplace, for example.
Preventing discrimination, reducing pay gaps, respecting the boundary between private and professional life… This label is a sign of recognition for companies that integrate professional equality into their CSR actions.
Is your company, association, institution or local authority committed to promoting gender equality and in need of an in-house expert? You can become this expert yourself, through training. AFNOR Compétences offers two modules:
Vous pouvez aussi demander un accompagnement IMPACT par un coach AFNOR Compétences qui viendra vous épauler en interne dans le but de :
As of March 1, 2020, all companies with at least 50 employees must calculate and publish an annual gender equality index. This index must be published on the company’s website every year. Details of the indicators must also be communicated to the company’s Social and Economic Committee (CSE) and to the Direccte labor inspectorate.
This 100-point index is based on 5 main criteria (or 4 for companies with fewer than 250 employees):
Is a company’s index below 75 points? Corrective measures are to be introduced, with the aim of reaching the 75-point mark within 3 years.
AFNOR Certification has developed the PREPA INDEX system to help you prepare for the calculation and publication of the Index note.
PREPA INDEX offers genuine support for your human resources assessment processes. The opportunities are numerous: auditing the HR system in place, suggesting new actions and corrective measures… Calculating the Index cannot be improvised. We make it easy!
It can be a good idea to promote the company’s approach to equality and diversity, for example, to make it more attractive to new talent. Particularly if it goes beyond the legal minimum. AFNOR Certification offers you two labels: the Diversity label and the Equality label, as well as a combination of the two.
Since the Law for the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future of September 5, 2018, French companies have been subject to the obligation to calculate the gender professional equality index, every year, and publish it before March 1 of the following year. This index makes it possible to assess the pay gap between men and women, and find out what is being done to reduce it. Several criteria are used to calculate a score out of 100:
More info
Professional inequalities between men and women are grouped into 5 types:
More information :
Show your commitment to diversity in the workplace – AFNOR Group
Equal opportunity refers to a working environment in which people are treated equally and fairly, whatever their gender, ethnic origin, religion or disability. Professional equality includes several components:
More information :
Managing an equality, diversity and integrity initiative – AFNOR Group