The purchasing function is at the heart of CSR strategies: by buying goods and services from suppliers and service providers who are themselves responsible, the buyer brings CSR into the company. The voluntary ISO 20400 standard and GRI reporting help you in this process.

What is ISO 20400?

To involve the purchasing function in a socially responsible dynamic, there is a reference document: the voluntary ISO 20400 standard. This voluntary international standard is an adaptation of ISO 26000, specific to responsible purchasing. It provides guidelines for integrating social responsibility into purchasing processes. The challenge is to motivate companies to ask themselves the right questions about green, ethical, local, solidarity-based and sustainable purchasing, depending on the items they choose.

What is GRI reporting?

Would your company like to produce its extra-financial reporting or declaration of extra-financial performance? GRI offers a framework to help you.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international initiative that develops guidelines for companies committed to sustainable development. The GRI proposes a reference framework for reporting on economic, environmental and social performance. Ultimately, this is a common framework for all companies, whatever their size, to draw up a sustainable development report.

GRI reporting enables companies to standardize this exercise, by identifying, measuring and disseminating their impact on sustainable development. GRI standards are divided into 4 families (G4): universal standards (GRI 100), economic standards (GRI 200), environmental standards (GRI 300) and social standards (GRI 400). As with ISO 20400, GRI is a voluntary process.