Choosing a meaningful career and developing skills in social responsibility: in the face of today’s challenges, training in sustainable development and CSR is urgently needed.

CSR project manager: why train?

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or OSR (Organizational Social Responsibility) is now everyone’s business. But pilots are needed. In companies, CSR project managers are at the heart of the approach, sometimes supported by CSR referents, by business line, subsidiary or entity.

They need to master the full range of sustainable development issues through training. They will be able to :

  • Discover the regulations and issues that govern CSR in companies
  • Training in ISO 26000 and ISO 20400 voluntary standards
  • Discover the SDGs, quality of life at work (QWL), GRI reporting, responsible purchasing
  • Learn how to set up a CSR approach or project
  • Learn how to manage CSR activities and stakeholder relations internally and externally
  • Prepare the company for economic, social or health crises (such as COVID-19) with agility, resilience and pragmatism.

How can I learn about CSR as a project manager?

As a project manager, you can learn about the full range of CSR topics by registering for the training courses offered by AFNOR Compétences.

Do you work for a small company or a major corporation? CSR is everyone’s business, and whatever the size of your organization, whatever your sector, our training courses are relevant to you. Our trainers are attentive consultants who work with companies in France and abroad in all areas of corporate social responsibility.

Project managers, don’t wait any longer to acquire skills as sustainable as your company’s CSR strategy!

You can also spread the word and become an ambassador for our Engagé RSE label!

CSRD: how to train for sustainability reporting and auditing?

The European Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), adopted on 14 December 2022, will clarify, systematise and standardise non-financial reporting. In France, according to the transposition order of December 6, 2023, companies meeting two of the following criteria are concerned: more than 500 employees on January 1, 2024, then 250 employees on January 1, 2025, more than €40 million in sales, more than €20 million in balance sheet total. They will have to produce an annual report presenting how their activity impacts the ESG sphere (environment, social, governance), by virtue of a double materiality analysis. This report must be certified by a duly authorized external body, such as

AFNOR Certification

who will commission a trained auditor registered with the French audit authority. The CSRD directive provides for a first report in 2025 on 2024 data, and will include listed SMEs in 2027 on their 2026 activity. Companies, SMEs, auditors and evaluators, get into CSRD mode now by taking the training course! AFNOR Compétences offers several modules: