AI Grand Challenge

The Grand Défi IA sees voluntary standardization as a confidence-building tool, in support of the European AI Regulation (AI Act) due to come into force in 2025, to offer designers and users of artificial intelligence systems a secure regulatory + standards framework to develop and market their solutions and products using trusted AI.

Juillet 2024

AFNOR and SGPI sign an amendment to the Grand Défi agreement to continue prenormative work until April 2025, with a view to harmonized standards for the European AI Act and best practices for generative AI.

Janvier 2024

France is the vice-chair of CEN-Cenelec JTC 21, which is responsible for drafting the European standard “Characterization of trust for AI”, scheduled for 2025.

décembre 2023

AFNOR’s collection of standards includes ISO/IEC 42001, a certifiable standard providing guidelines for building and maintaining an AI management system.

AFNOR publishes its strategic roadmap, which identifies 6 strategic areas for AI standardization

Afnor date

AFNOR puts AI in the spotlight during the French Presidency of the European Union (PFUE). Relive here the AFNOR day of March 10, 2022 organized with BDVA-Dairo and!

AFNOR is conducting a major national consultation and gathering the needs and expectations of French players regarding future AI standards.

To meet the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence, and to deploy AI that can be trusted, the French government is launching a Grand Défi aimed at “securing, certifying and making reliable systems based on artificial intelligence”, led by the Secrétariat Général pour l’Investissement and financed by the Plan d’Investissement d’avenir and the Plan France Relance. AFNOR is in charge of “creating a normative environment of trust to accompany the certification tools and processes for critical systems based on artificial intelligence”.



IA standards (published or in progress)

Picto Afnor risks





Picto Afnor confiance

Characteristics of trust



  • CEN-CENELEC – Preliminary work item on “Trustworthiness characterization
  • Several ISO-IEC standards


Picto Afnor data quality

Data quality




  • ISO/IEC 52589 series: Data quality for analytics and machine learning (ML)

Picto Afnor conformity

Compliance claims




  • CEN-CENELEC TR “AI Conformity assessment

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