Personal data protection training

Teleworking, videoconferencing, webinars… With these new uses, managing sensitive data is a major challenge for organizations, with personal data protection officers (DPOs) at the forefront. Data is now at the heart of a quality system. To better grasp these new practices in connection with RGPD requirements, AFNOR Compétences offers a range of dedicated training courses.

Certify your personal data protection approach

Whether you’re a data host, a company or the person in charge of personal data protection within your organization (DPO), demonstrate your exemplarity and your compliance with the most common quality and security criteria for the protection of sensitive data.

Developing voluntary standards on personal data

Voluntary standards are collections of best practices and invaluable tools for knowing how to organize personal data protection within your company or when it is hosted by a service provider. Professionals write them. Join our committees!