Sobriety and low-carbon energies

Claire Delabre
Claire Delabre Chagué

Mobility and Energy Division Manager

Soaring bills, greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels, tight supply… The question is no longer whether to make the energy transition, but how to go about it.
Backed by the European Green Pact and France’s national low-carbon strategy for 2050, the objectives are clear.
It’s now a question of method.

The AFNOR group offers you its own: develop, learn and replicate best practices, and have their results recognized, in a spirit of continuous improvement that is visible and differentiating for your customers and partners.

In our dossier, discover the tools and services you need to make the energy transition a success.

1.1 Deploying an energy management system

Everything you need to know about ISO 50001 and how to manage an EMSn.

1.2 Carry out a regulatory energy audit and become an auditor

Carry out or have carried out the regulatory audit required of large companies.

1.3 Building a decree roadmap for the tertiary sector

Get information and support to reduce consumption by 40% by 2030.

1.4 Helping you save energy

Manage your data, check your gains, raise your teams' awareness of sobriety.

2.1 Securing your methanization project

Reassurance with the Qualimétha label, training in best practices in the biomass sector.

2.2 Promoting the virtues of your solar project

Train and promote your region with a label of best practices.

2.3 Making decarbonated kilowatt-hours visible

Learn about renewable energies and demonstrate your commitment as a green electricity supplier.

2.4 Proving the quality of energy equipment

NF certification for manufacturers of renewable energy equipment.

3.1 Reducing your carbon footprint

Entrust us with the production of your BEGES to ensure the reliability of your data and raise your teams' awareness of decarbonization.

3.2 Promoting low-carbon buildings

Pass DPE certification, become an energy renovation expert, learn about RE2020 and individual home audits

3.3 Committed to electric mobility

Design, maintenance and operation of charging stations: IRVE qualification for service providers.

3.4 Decarbonizing data centers

Applying ISO 50001 in the digital sector, communicating on consumption, eco-design of digital services.

Claire Delabre
Claire Delabre-Chagué

Head of AFNOR Energies