Gaining in energy efficiency

Saving energy is a good thing. It’s better to keep up the effort and improve your energy performance every year!

AFNOR Energies IngénierieThe AFNOR Energies Ingénierie design office specializes in helping you turn your success into success. Backed by the AFNOR group and its in-depth knowledge of the standards applied to energy management (from voluntary standards to ISO 50001 certification, including training and qualification), AFNOR Energies Ingénierie provides you with a team of engineers specializing in energy efficiency and a data monitoring platform single-site or multi-site, to meet your needs, from defining a strategy to monitoring the performance of your action plan. AFNOR Energies Ingénierie combines the strength of a group with the agility of a start-up!

SME, TPE, AFNOR Energies Ingénieries is your partner for carrying out four types of actions eligible ADEME’s “Tremplin” scheme, backed by the French government’s stimulus package:

  • Energy audits for buildings subject to the tertiary sector decree
  • Project management for comprehensive renovation of one or more buildings to reduce energy consumption by 50%.
  • Lighting design study
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) and action plan

1 Energy efficiency consulting

You operate…

  • One or more production sites (metallurgy, food processing, etc.)
  • An electro-intensive industrial site
  • A set of service, administrative or commercial premises
  • Public buildings and facilities
  • A hospital
  • An educational establishment

Are you looking for…

  • Help in building a strategy to reduce energy consumption
    on your buildings and production sites
  • A look at the regulations that affect you, in particular the “tertiary” decree
  • A feasibility study on launching an energy performance contract
  • Cost-benefit analysis of an action plan
  • How to collect and communicate your data under the tertiary sector decree

AFNOR Energies Ingénierie can help you

  • Recommendation of the best devices and programs to use
    (CPE, CEE, energy audits, metering plans, SMEn ISO 50001, etc.)
  • Defining the scope of action and monitoring at your sites
  • Planning and budget
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Monitoring energy data on a secure platform

The plus

A team of specialist engineers from SSEE, industry and construction

2 Energy audits

The plus

A thorough knowledge of voluntary standards and an audit method in line with international best practice (EN 16247, ISO 50002) & a qualification in “Energy auditing of buildings” and “Energy auditing in industry”.

You are…

  • A manufacturer, whether electro-intensive or not
  • Tenant or owner of a complex of premises
    and/or a transport fleet
  • A player in the retail and supermarket sectors
  • A carrier or logistician
  • A local authority managing various buildings and public facilities
    and service vehicles
  • An organization with an ISO 50001 energy management system in need of an energy review

Are you looking for…

AFNOR Energies Ingénierie can help you

3 Support for tertiary decree

You are…

  • A private player in the tertiary sector occupying buildings of over 1,000 m².
  • An owner-lessor who rents out his buildings for tertiary activities
  • A hospital
  • A higher education establishment
  • A local authority needing to manage several buildings
  • A manufacturer with premises for its head office

Are you looking for…

  • Decoding the decree of July 23, 2019
  • Support in building your roadmap to 2030, 2040, 2050
  • Control your consumption data
  • Use your energy audit to comply with the tertiary sector decree
  • Put your ISO 50001 approach to work for the service sector decree

AFNOR Energies Ingénierie can help you

  • Monitoring your single- or multi-site energy data
  • Entering data to date in OPERAT
  • Identifying energy-saving opportunities
  • Building and monitoring an action plan
  • Energy performance measurement and verification

The plus

A team closely involved in the consultation process prior to the decree, with expertise in the content and best practices for achieving the decree’s objectives.

4 Project management & action plan

The plus

Get organized to save 20-30% on your energy bill and recoup your investment in less than 3.5 years


  • Have carried out an energy audit
  • Are you a company or local authority that knows its energy consumption?
  • Have identified potential energy savings in your buildings, processes or transport fleet?

Are you looking for…

  • An operational roadmap for implementing energy audit recommendations
  • Specialist support to prioritize and sequence actions
  • Visibility into the profitability of your energy-saving actions
  • A method for selecting the right work provider(s)

AFNOR Energies Ingénierie can help you

  • Selection of one or more action scenarios with NPV and IRR
    (including grants and subsidies if eligible)
  • Measuring and verifying the energy performance to be achieved
  • Assistance in awarding works contracts
  • Consultation and selection of energy efficiency contractors
  • Drafting test and acceptance procedures for selected solutions
  • Assistance during the acceptance phase
  • Monitor your energy data on a secure platform

5 Measuring & verifying energy performance

You are…

  • A company or local authority, whether or not it has carried out an energy audit
  • A company or local authority poorly equipped to measure and monitor your energy consumption
  • An organization committed to an ISO 50001 management system
    needing to demonstrate improved energy performance

Are you looking for…

  • Precise knowledge of the consumption profile of your equipment and processes, in addition to the energy audit
  • An analysis of the causes of energy consumption drift or anomalies
  • Ongoing monitoring of the performance of actions undertaken
  • Relevant energy performance indicators to track progress, report to management, raise staff awareness and communicate accurately

AFNOR Energies Ingénierie can help you

  • Identify all the points to be instrumented on your sites and set up the measuring equipment
  • Produce the measurement plan
  • Organize the timing of the survey campaign and data logging
  • Analysis of your energy performance, with relevant indicators and a progress curve over time
  • Produce a measurement & verification plan for your project in accordance with the IPMVP protocol and ISO standards
  • Monitors your multi-site data on a secure platform

The plus

A team with CMVP® (Certified Measurement & Verification Professional) certification and L3 trainer accreditation from the EVO training committee

Measure to save: the AFNOR Energies Ingénierie monitoring platform

To facilitate access to and analysis of your energy data, whatever the suppliers and consumption sites concerned, AFNOR Energies Ingénierie provides you with an energy management platform. This collaborative, secure space, which brings together your dynamic, customizable dashboards, lets you consolidate all your consumption data on a web interface, so you can monitor your energy performance, observe the impact of your improvement actions point by point, and adapt them according to your results.

Collecting energy data and influencing factors, detecting anomalies and potential savings, optimizing your installations and contracts for the supply of electricity, gas, heat and cooling, analyzing the results of your energy efficiency actions, managing load shedding and self-consumption… This data intelligence supports our customized services:

  • Data upload to the OPERAT platform under the tertiary sector decree
  • Outsourced Energy Manager service
  • Preparing for future energy audits or an ISO 50001 approach
  • Analysis for renewal of energy supply contracts
  • Measurement plan and M&V approach (measurement and verification of energy performance)