Reduce your carbon footprint

Claire Delabre
Claire Delabre Chagué

Mobility and Energy Division Manager

A greenhouse gas emissions balance (BEGES, also known as a carbon balance, after the first calculation tool developed by ADEME) is an assessment of the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere over one year by an organization’s activities. Results are expressed in tonnes of CO2 equivalent (CO2 being the main GHG, alongside CH4, N2O, SF6, HFCs and PFCs).

cloud of molecules

The entity’s emissions are ordered according to predefined categories called “items”. This ranking enables us to identify the emission sources where the carbon constraint is greatest, and therefore where the decarbonization strategy should focus. Under the terms of the Grenelle 2 law of 2010, several categories of reporting entities are required to produce a BEGES:

Schéma obligations
Tableau assujettis BEGES

How do you calculate your carbon footprint?

The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions is based on a standardized methodology. Standard NF EN ISO 14064-1 sets out the different scopes to be taken into account for a given activity:

  • direct emissions (scope 1)
  • associated emissions (scope 2)
  • indirect emissions (scope 3)

Diagram 3 carbon scopes

Diagram 3 carbon scopes

Once you’ve taken stock, you’ll be ready to take action:


Afnor Timeline Carbone

Once you’ve taken stock, you’ll be ready to take action:


Carbon timeline

Who should be entrusted with the task of carrying out or verifying a carbon footprint?

Are you one of the organizations required to produce a greenhouse gas emissions report? AFNOR Energies can support you in a number of ways:

  • Corporate carbon footprint calculation
  • Carrying out carbon audits as part of due diligence
  • Supplier carbon maturity assessment (offer in preparation)
  • Calculation of carbon footprint for products and services (in accordance with NF EN ISO 14067)
  • Verification and carbon footprint validation for products and services
  • Diag decarbon’action with BPI(allows BPI subsidy)
  • ACT step-by-step support and energy mix with the Pacte Industrie scheme ( Ademesubsidy )

Key points to remember

  • Standard NF EN ISO 14064-1 details the different perimeters for calculating greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The NF EN ISO 14067 standard specifies the principles, requirements and guidelines for quantifying and declaring a product's carbon footprint.
Claire Delabre
Claire Delabre-Chagué

Head of AFNOR Energies