At the start of the 21st century, the ecological transition is on everyone’s lips.

Together with the notions of sobriety and even frugality – low-carbon, energy efficiency – this theme forms the environmental pillar of the social-ecological-economic triptych inherent in the concepts of sustainable development and CSR.

It also involves the notion of footprint: ecological footprint, carbon footprint, biodiversity footprint… In other words, the damage caused by an activity to resources, nature or the climate, expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent for carbon. Applied to the world of waste, it introduces the notion of circular economy and life cycle.

All these environmental issues need to be addressed within the company. They must be managed at a strategic level, with relevant indicators monitored over time, with a view to continuous improvement. This is what we call environmental management. For this, there’s an effective tool, recognized as such throughout the world: ISO 14001.

For the environmental manager in you, the AFNOR group has a range of solutions built around this standard, so that you can build a solid management system, steer it in continuous improvement mode, increase your skills, and have your progress recognized with the right distinctive signs.

Discover the tools and best practices for deploying a solid environmental management system

1-1 Deploying an environmental management system with ISO 14001

An EMS impacts every aspect of a company, from production to marketing and communications.

1-2 Managing an eco-design approach

The eco-design of a product reduces its impact on the environment at source. Have your approach recognized with the AFAQ Eco-conception assessment.

1-3 Thinking in circular economy mode

Do more and better, with less, in a loop, and on a local scale. This is the ambition of the circular economy.

2-1 Mastering LCA and eco-design

For an eco-design approach to be effective, tools and standards must be handled with the utmost rigor. It is therefore necessary to be trained.

2-2 Improving your asbestos diagnosis skills

Asbestos diagnostics aim to pinpoint the precise presence of asbestos. A mission entrusted to certified and duly trained professionals.

2-3 Become an ISO 14001 auditor and master the standard

ISO 14001 certification is awarded by an auditor trained to conduct a management system audit.

3-1 Combining ecology and quality with the NF Environnement range

Products bearing the NF Environnement certification guarantee a limited impact on nature, for the same quality and performance in use.

3-2 Play the European card with the European ecolabel

More than 70,000 products carry the European ecolabel and its little flower logo. It is available to certain departments after an audit.

3-3 Continuing the organic chain with the AB label

Downstream from producers, processors, distributors and importers of organic products can also obtain the AB label.

3-4 Introduce environmental labelling for products and services

Environmental labelling gives a score for a product’s ecological quality. Several sectors are experimenting with it.

4-1 Tools to account for and reduce GHG emissions

To reduceCO2 emissions, you need to have inventoried them. To assess emissions correctly, ISO 14064-1 proposes a common method.

4-2 Measuring climatic and ecological performance

To manage an EMS, an organization or a company needs relevant indicators that enable it to measure and compare its results.

4-3 Improving energy performance

Implementing an energy management system (EMS) in line with ISO 50001 can identify unsuspected sources of energy savings.