Become an ISO 14001 auditor and master the standard

ISO 14001 certification is awarded by an auditor trained to conduct a management system audit. Its skills can be recognized internationally through ICA or IRCA certification. To limit damage to the environment, all companies are encouraged to set up an environmental management system (EMS). The ISO 14001 standard details the requirements for an EMS within a company, whatever its size or activity. It is based on the principle of continuous improvement. It’s not compulsory to apply it, but it’s advisable to do so, and to be familiar with it internally.

The content of ISO 14001 is taught in initial training courses, from BTS hygiene-safety-environment to engineering schools, via HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) coordinator or auditor studies. There are also numerous
continuous training sessions, notably at AFNOR Compétences, either face-to-face or by distance learning.
. They are aimed at any employee of a company that has set up an EMS, or wishes to do so, and who may wish to have this approach recognized through certification.

Once you’ve acquired the basics, you’ll need ongoing training to keep up to date with ISO 14001.
The latest revision in 2015
introduced the HLS (High Level Structure), a common framework for all management system standards, including the best-known, ISO 9001 (quality management). Even if the similarities with ISO 9001 are reinforced, the development of an environmental management system requires a particular approach and specific tools. The text, revised in 2015, emphasizes the key role of management in developing a comprehensive environmental management system, from the extraction of raw materials to the end-of-life treatment of products.

ISO 14001: training for internal and third-party audits

Further training leads to the
ISO 14001 internal auditor
internal auditor designation, to learn how to plan, conduct, report and follow up an audit, in accordance with ISO 19011, which defines the skills required to carry out such an exercise. Obtaining the title of internal auditor is a prerequisite for carrying out environmental management system audits within your company, which in turn are a prerequisite for ISO 14001 certification of your organization. This official recognition is proof to consumers and stakeholders of the seriousness of our environmental policy.

However, this exercise can also be carried out by a third-party organization, which will commission an independent auditor who is not an employee of the requesting company. To achieve this, you need to
training in ISO 14001 auditing
auditing and take the ICA (or IRCA in the UK) certification exam. The exam validates the knowledge, both practical and theoretical, required to carry out third-party audits to ISO 14001. In this way, the auditor certifies that he is indeed competent, an additional guarantee of seriousness and objectivity. They can then carry out audits on their own, or be referenced by a certification body such as AFNOR Certification, which will entrust them with company audit assignments.