Paints, composters, wardrobes, pens, printer cartridges, cat litter… Products bearing the NF Environnement certification guarantee a limited impact on nature, for the same quality and performance in use.

NF Environnement certificationManufacturers and service providers who decide to make a concrete commitment to the planet can apply for the NF Environnement “green” label, which has existed since 1991. Its easily recognizable logo distinguishes products of proven quality, safety and durability, as with the entire NF mark range. What’s more, they have a reduced environmental impact over their entire life cycle: raw materials, manufacturing, transport, use, recycling…

NF Environnement garbage bags, for example, guarantee remarkable sturdiness, while limiting waste production and air pollution. Labeled paints offer guaranteed masking and drying performance, with reduced solvent content and no use of certain hazardous substances.

The NF Environnement ecolabel is awarded following a certification audit carried out by a third-party organization (AFNOR Certification or one of the 12 specialized organizations it has appointed). In order to obtain this certification, organizations commit to complying with precise specifications or standards, which the auditor verifies in the field. The standards have been drawn up in partnership with manufacturers, associations, distributors and public authorities. Criteria are reviewed regularly, and certification is granted for three years.

NF Environnement: a wide range of products and services

Today, the NF Environnement logo is used on a wide range of consumer goods and services. The DIY sector was one of the first to embark on this adventure. In 2020, thirteen manufacturers held the NF Environnement ” Paints, varnishes and related products ” (NF 130) right of use, with a total of no fewer than 367 different certified products. These were later joined by paint coatings (NF 446) and universal colorants.

Another pioneering sector is furniture (NF 217). Furniture must meet no less than 20 criteria to be certified. They have an overall recycling rate of over 97%, and the wood from which they are made must come from sustainably managed forests. Services are also beginning to show an interest in the approach. Recently, Uhina was the first company to be awarded the NF Environnement – Sites de visite label. This certification crowns the rafting company’s efforts to manage waste, water, energy, recycling and composting in a remarkable natural site. Tourist accommodation is also eligible, whether hotels or campsites.

Important note: like all official French eco-labels, NF environnement complies with the requirements of ISO 14024 (Environmental labels and declarations – Type I environmental labelling – Principles and procedures).