Sustainability reporting and CSRD: preparing for regulatory changes in CSR

CSR, CSRD, EFRAG... Faced with this tsunami of acronyms, do you feel lost? On April 18, AFNOR and its partners will be holding an event at the Bourgogne Franche-Comté Chamber of Commerce and Industry to help you understand the CSRD Directive and ESRS standards, and to help you write your sustainability report.

Since January1, 2024, European companies have all been on the same footing when it comes to non-financial reporting: the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) has been officially adopted.

It sets out a progressive timetable for the application of the ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards), the famous sustainability standards proposed by EFRAG, which list the CSR information to be included in a company’s sustainability report, which will have to be published and audited every year.

For smaller companies, this will mean more precise CSR indicators to report to their customers.

Whether you are subject to mandatory reporting or not, come and find out more about European regulations and the CSR tools available to help you achieve compliance.

Event objective:

  • Understanding the CSRD Directive on sustainability reporting and its expectations
  • Deciphering the logic and requirements of ESRS standards
  • Understanding the concept of dual-material analysis
  • Facilitating reporting through a strengthened CSR approach

On the program:

  • Deciphering CSRD and ESRS standards – Mélodie Merenda, AFNOR
  • Preparing your first sustainability report – Dominique PONCET, DIAGER
  • What impact does CSRD have on the relationship between bank and corporate customer? Marie-Agnès DE FRANCQUEVILLE, CEBFC
  • A workshop on “Understanding the notion of double materiality” (face-to-face only)


This event is organized in partnership with the FQP-BFC association, the Bourgogne Franche-Comté Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and MEDEF Côte d’Or.

Participation is free, but registration is compulsory.

Informations essentielles

09:00 - 12:30
Format/Lieu de l'événement