Délégation Grand Est

Our events in the Grand Est region

Businesses, groups, local authorities…our regional team can help you identify and implement the most effective individual or collective solutions to meet your development challenges: development of voluntary standards, standards watch, training, certification, assessment and labels…
We support you in the fundamentals of performance: CSR, quality, environment, occupational health and safety…and we’re at your side to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow: ecological and energy transition, digital confidence, company of the future, circular economy…
Would you like to discuss a particular topic, or organize an event with us?
Contact us!

We support you with group programs

Club RSE Lorraine

Club AFNOR RSE Lorraine

Are you managing a CSR initiative with a view to meeting major societal challenges? Are you looking for solutions to help you make progress on CSR issues you’re struggling with? Would you like to share and challenge your best practices with other organizations in the region?

Collective CSR and CSRD 2025 operation: choose your path!

CSR issues are real levers for transforming corporate practices by integrating social and environmental concerns into business strategy. By focusing on CSR, companies build sustainable value, strengthen their competitiveness and contribute to a more responsible future. But how do you go about it? Where to start? What tools are available? How do you build a roadmap? To help companies move towards more sustainable development, the AFNOR Grand-Est delegation is offering a collective CSR/CSRD operation. It consists of 2 courses, each broken down into group workshops or individual coaching to understand and build a roadmap:

  • The1st course is dedicated to implementing a CSR approach based on the ISO 26000 standard.
  • the2nd course integrates the fundamentals of sustainability reporting under the CSRD regulation.

The project will start in February 2025, and is eligible for a 30% grant from BPIfrance. Your OPCO (organisme paritaire collecteur agréé) can also finance all or part of your training.

Local authorities and territories

We support local authorities and intercommunities in the Grand Est region in their ambition to adapt their organizations and services to economic, societal and environmental transitions. This translates into :

  • the deployment of quality initiatives, particularly in terms of user service quality,
  • improving the quality of working life for their employees, who are looking for meaning,
  • change management based on the compass of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals(Agenda 2030).

Energy audit, tertiary sector decree, ISO 50001: low-carbon objectives and energy savings…

Do you need to renew your regulatory energy audit or comply with the tertiary sector decree? Would you like to commit your company to the energy transition? Before thinking about renewable and low-carbon energies, think sobriety, energy efficiency and savings! Use our tools and services to build an energy management system that generates sustainable gains that are easy to measure and verify.

CSR: how to go about it, how to train for it, how to display it?

Training, standards, assessments, labels, the AFNOR group offers a multitude of solutions in the field of CSR, in line with international models such as ISO 26000 or the ODD objectives. Whatever your level of maturity, there’s a solution to meet your needs. CSR, a lever for accelerating the ecological transition?

Contact us

14 rue du Saulnois
54520 Laxou

Jennifer Cuny
Tel.: 03 83 86 52 92
Voir l'email

Key figures :

200 newcustomers a year
+400participantsa year at our regional events
41member organizationsof the AFNOR RSE Lorraine club

Our partners :

  • AFQP Grand-Est
  • Sustainable Initiatives
  • Face Foundation
  • Réseau Entreprendre
  • BPI France
  • Grand-Est Region
  • Lorr’Up
  • French Tech

View standards in Eastern France

Where can I consult standards in Mulhouse, Nancy and Strasbourg?

In the Grand Est region, you have three options! Standards can be consulted at our offices in Laxou, near Nancy, as well as at two partner CCIs, in Mulhouse and Strasbourg. We are at your disposal, by appointment, to facilitate your visit and ensure quality service.

AFNOR Grand Est:

Address: 14 rue du Saulnois – 54520 Laxou
Opening hours :

  • Monday to Thursday, 9am to 12pm – 2pm to 5pm
  • Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Telephone: 03 83 86 52 92

Who can consult standards in Nancy, Strasbourg and Mulhouse, and how?

Professionals, individuals and students are welcome to consult all French national (NF), European (NF EN) and international (NF ISO, NF IEC, ISO and IEC) standards via our SAGAWEB/COBAZ solution. From a computer workstation on the premises of AFNOR or one of our partner CCIs, you can browse through the texts that interest you, and move from one document to another, as and when you need to! You can also buy French standards directly from AFNOR Editions.

If you consult texts from AFNOR’s premises in Laxou, you can obtain a printout of the information you are looking for in French standards of national origin only, subject to payment of a reproduction fee of 18 centimes per page. This amount must be paid in cash or by cheque. Please note that this printout is for your personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes.

In view of the copyright enjoyed by European (CEN and CENELEC) and international (ISO and IEC) bodies, French standards of European (NF EN) and international (NF ISO, NF IEC, ISO and IEC) origin cannot be printed on site and are only available for sale on the AFNOR Editions website.

Which standard to consult? How can I identify the most appropriate standard for my project?

Not sure which voluntary standard is most relevant to your activities or project in the Grand-Est region? Call our norminfo service on 01 41 62 76 44 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm) or fill in the contact form. This will give you the reference to the relevant standard, so you can come and consult it.

Have you considered taking part in writing the standards?

Consulting and applying standards generates objective gains for an organization. Did you know that these documents are written and updated by the people who use them? Many organizations in the Grand-Est region have understood this and are taking part. AFNOR’s doors are open to anyone who wants to get involved. Talk to us about joining a standards committee .

What books can you consult at our Nancy offices?

AFNOR Editions is one of France’s leading publishers of professional and technical books. From our premises near Nancy, you can consult the latest books available: some fifty are published each year on all the crucial themes of the economy and business life: energy performance, environment, human resources, construction, agri-food, risk management, project management, management, quality, sustainable development and CSR, business intelligence, intercultural, professional effectiveness…

The team on LinkedIn

Jennifer Cuny
View profile

Sandrine Pérignon-Schmitt
Regional Delegate
View her profile

Christine MORIN
Regional development engineer, CSR assessor
View her profile

Need information or have a question? Contact us by mail