Succeed in your industrial projects by securing your assets!

As a historic player in the Factory of the Future, we are convinced that the confidence of employees and investors can be developed through pragmatic solutions. In addition to our voluntary standards, which are concentrates of best practices synonymous with market opening, we offer you support to instill a dose of smart in your priority projects and instill confidence.

Whether you want to become an eco-industry, relocate or maintain your activities in France, accelerate innovation, train your employees, successfully deploy artificial intelligence or decarbonize your activities to join the ecological transition, you can count on us.

Move from idea to action: let’s make your transformation projects a success together

Parce que l’industrie du futur ne se fera pas sans placer l’humain au cœur des projets, nous proposons une approche managériale des projets de robotisation, d’automatisation ou tout simplement d’innovation pour que vous meniez à bien vos projets prioritaires.

Réaliser un diagnostic 360° vous donnera les clés de réussite. Pas à pas, vous maîtrisez les facteurs déterminants que sont la vision et la stratégie associées au projet, son modèle économique, la conduite du changement, les enjeux environnementaux et énergétiques, la performance industrielle attendue, la transformation numérique.

Notre objectif : créer les conditions de succès pour votre transformation.

Découvrir le projet mené avec les entreprises en Occitanie

Improve your organization to achieve operational excellence

Increase your profits by taking action on non-quality

Estimated at
5% of sales
non-quality in an industrial activity goes far beyond the cost of rejects during production. Synthetic rate of return, variations between the planned and actual cost of a project, managerial problems, administrative or even legal costs… The indicators are numerous, and it’s by acting step by step that you’ll be able to exploit this source of productivity and competitiveness.

We’ll support you in six steps:

Afnor : cadrer le projet
Afnor : industrie du futur : mesurer et analyser
Afnor : industrie du futur : planifier le projet
Afnor : industrie du futur : déployer les actions
Afnor : industrie du futur : faire du Benchmark
Afnor : industrie du futur, communiquer les résultats

Control your organization

Creating synergies between your industrial processes and teams is a key to productivity. Integrated management systems are a way of streamlining processes, reducing organizational duplication and increasing the value of everyone’s work.

The key for you is to unify all current processes and increase the efficiency of each one, in line with your strategy.

Ensure economic and sustainable growth

Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals

Seize the opportunity of the SDGs to communicate on the economic, social and environmental impacts of your activities. Your employees, partners and customers will welcome your actions in the field of social responsibility.

It’s by developing your CSR strategy, training your teams and engaging in a process of progress that you will support the sustainability of your activities.

Rely on international standards such as ISO 26000 and associated labels: these are the most robust tools for putting business back on a responsible footing, bringing meaning to the work of teams and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Secure your logistics and production chain

Industrial supply chain and production organization are levers for growth and innovation! Identifying all the players in your supply chain is the first step in a responsible purchasing approach combining dialogue, analysis of the life cycle of products or services by purchasing family, and monitoring.

Take a positive approach, whether you want to
to promote your manufacturing in France
or secure your purchases abroad.

Get your innovations to market faster

We support you in
the influence of European and international standardization
to promote your innovation within your ecosystem.

On your behalf, we identify opportunities to create a French, European or international standard around your innovation. This strengthens your strategic thinking and increases the chances that your innovation will be accepted at its true value.

Reduce your environmental footprint and save energy

Increase the effectiveness of your environmental actions

The certification of an environmental management system (EMS) is well suited to industrial companies. It’s a framework for progress to better manage, prevent and limit the environmental impacts generated by your activities.

Count on us to guide you towards the approach best suited to your needs. Ecodesign, circular economy projects, focus on
biodiversity protection
… We can help you combine economic performance with transparency in your environmental efforts.

Aim for energy efficiency

Undertaking thermal renovation, lowering energy intensity and decarbonizing your activities are concrete ways of boosting your margins and boosting the confidence of financiers. We’ll help you draw up your roadmap.

Solutions for every industry