Mission offers

Are you a professional looking to expand your field of activity, and want to make your knowledge available to another business? The AFNOR Group gives you the opportunity to do so by carrying out auditing assignments on its behalf, as an auditor, trainer and author around key themes such as quality, safety, environment, OHS… but also on emerging themes. Join our network of outside expertise!

Become an auditor for the AFNOR group

Are you a freelance consultant or current employee with expertise and skills in a particular sector or theme that you’d like to share? Automotive, aeronautics, vocational training, agri-food, information systems, etc.?

Devenir auditeur.trice, c’est s’ouvrir au monde extérieur, aller sur le terrain, rencontrer des professionnels, challenger leurs pratiques et compléter votre activité.

By carrying out audits on behalf of the AFNOR group’s certification and assessment activities, you benefit from :  

  • the opportunity to work in France and internationally for a multi-specialist certifier: standards and regulations watch, access to practical rules and audit jurisprudence
  • individual follow-up by a dedicated contact person
  • digital tools to manage your day-to-day business
  • regular meetings with peers to exchange ideas and expand your network

You have been trained or are in the process of being trained by AFNOR Compétences as an auditor and would like to become an auditor for AFNOR Certification.
Please do not hesitate to contact AFNOR Certification to discuss your skills requirements and the qualification process.

Prerequisites To carry out third-party audits of management systems, there is one prerequisite: ICA certification*I‘d liketo know more about the prerequisites* You must also meet the sector-specific skills we are currently looking for and those required by our customers.

Do you have any questions about being an auditor? Contact us

Becoming a trainer

Are you an accomplished trainer? Would you like to design and run training courses or carry out consultancy assignments? Create your account on our platform, then complete your application form.

Becoming an author

A taste for writing? We are looking for professionals with a passion for writing articles or books for Editions AFNOR. Create your account on our platform, then complete your application form.