A new book to help employees improve their physical fitness
Sabine Lewkowicz revisits the levers of sleep, diet, lifestyle and physical activity in a useful book for all employees and occupational health professionals. It also includes numerous self-diagnostics, summaries, personal questions and practical information sheets.
Sabine Lewkowicz identifies a major risk: believing that all we need to do is think, decide and analyze, without paying too much attention to our body’s basic physiological needs. While management and human resources play a key role in preventing psycho-social risks, individuals retain considerable power to improve their health and well-being, and thus their performance at work and in their personal lives. This book, rich in scientific information as well as simple, practical data, gives everyone the means to know themselves better, the basic information to analyze their own problems, and the means to solve them. There are five main sections, each corresponding to a major aspect: sleep, diet, daily hygiene, physical activity and tools for improvement. It includes numerous self-tests, health and hygiene information and exercises for daily practice.
Protection for better work
For Sylvie Depoire, Training Manager at Galderma Plant and author of the foreword, “managers need to find out for themselves how to implement their own regulatory mechanisms and thus learn to protect themselves”. Without dogma or prejudice, Sabine Lewkowicz draws on her experience as a coach and teacher of Chinese yoga, nutritherapy and sophrology. It gives us the tools we need to take a personal approach to improving our lifestyle. Useful for all employees, this book will also be invaluable for occupational medicine teams, nurses, trainers, coaches and CHSCT members, as well as HR managers.
Order the book “Une hygiène de vie au service de la performance du manager – Manager, récupérer, bouger mieux, pour manager mieux” on the AFNOR store… – Ref : 3465505 – ISBN: 978-2-12-465505-2 – 248 pages.
The author
Sabine Lewkowicz is a lifestyle consultant (specializing in business) and lecturer. Trained in nutritherapy and sophrology, she is also a Chinese TaiChi QiGong Yoga teacher. She was a continuing education consultant for fifteen years and holds a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management.