A new president for AFNOR

At the close of the General Meeting of AFNOR members on June 27, 2023 in Paris, the members of the Board of Directors elected Guy Maugis as President of AFNOR. In accordance with the Association’s bylaws, this choice was presented to the French Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry, Bruno Le Maire, who approved it. The industrial and Franco-German background of this former Bosch employee, polytechnician and Ponts et Chaussées engineer, is in line with AFNOR’s ambitions to become even more involved in France 2030 and to support the sovereignty that Europe is claiming over the markets of tomorrow, in the wake of the European standardization strategy that Commissioner Thierry Breton set out in February 2022. He succeeds Marc Ventre, who has completed his second term. Jérôme Delpech joins the Association’s Ethics Committee, a consultative body, replacing François Pelegrin.

Guy Maugis will also have to lead AFNOR towards 2026, the centenary year of an association well established in terms of normative influence worldwide. The proof is in the pudding
the 2023 edition of the International Standardization Barometer, which measures the volume of voluntary standardization work carried out by each country, both in Europe and worldwide. It shows that France remains in2nd place on the European scene (CEN-CENELEC) and3rd place on the international scene (ISO-IEC). With a quarter of all CEN activities, France ranks behind Germany and well ahead of the UK, and is behind the creation of two new standardization activities, on quality in medical imaging(CEN/TC 470) and drones(CEN/TC 471). On a global scale, France is still behind Germany and the United States, and ahead of Japan, the United Kingdom and China. It coordinates 79 secretariats, including a new one on natural gas refueling stations(ISO/TC 340).

Also at the Annual General Meeting, the members of the Association française de normalisation (who numbered 1,500 at December 31, 2022), approved the moral and financial report for the year 2022. On the basis of the Association’s activities (standardization, publishing), the financial results show a positive net income of €2.9 million, on sales of €70.2 million, excluding public subsidies (€6 million). These figures can be consulted in the Activity and Social Responsibility Report 2022, available here. These good results, the fruit of a strategy deployed over several years combined with the commitment of our employees, demonstrate the robustness of the Group’s business model.
New or renewed directors
- Confédération nationale du logement (CNL), represented by Anne Lucet-Dallongeville (renewal)
- Syndicat national des directeurs généraux des collectivités territoriales (SNDGCT), represented by Stanislas Lucienne, Director General of Services for the Roumois-Seine community of communes
- Association des industries de produits de construction (AIMCC), represented by Frédéric Boisse, General Secretary of Syndicat national des mortiers industriels (SNMI)
- Fédération des industries électriques, électroniques et de communication (FIEEC), represented by Benoit Lavigne, general delegate (renewal)
- Suez Eau France, represented by Isabelle Vendeuvre, Group Standards Manager
Find the full composition of AFNOR’s Board of Directors here.
Find out more about AFNOR’s governance :
organization & governance
Caption & photo credit :
©Arthur Enard