AFNOR: members hail a good 2023

On June 18, 2024, the Association française de normalisation held its annual general meeting in Paris, to present a report on the past year’s activities and financial results, as well as the outlook for the future. The Board of Directors then met under the renewed chairmanship of Guy Maugis. A tribute was paid to Alain Durand, former Deputy General Manager of AFNOR from 1991 to 2000 and General Secretary from 2000 to 2008, who passed away in May 2024. As France’s voice on key issues such as biodiversity, critical materials, gender equality and the circular economy, AFNOR remains well positioned in terms of normative influence worldwide. This is borne out by the 2024 edition of the international standardization barometer , which measures the volume of voluntary standardization work carried out by each country in Europe and worldwide. It shows that France remains in2nd place on the European scene (CEN-CENELEC) and3rd place on the international scene (ISO-IEC).
At the Annual General Meeting, the members of the French Standards Association, who numbered 1,576 at December 31, 2023, approved the moral and financial report for the year 2023. On the basis of the association’s activities (standardization, publishing), the financial results show a positive net income of €1.5 million, on sales of €73.4 million, excluding public subsidies (€6 million).
These figures can be consulted in the 2023 Activity and Social Responsibility Report, available here. This demonstrates the robustness of the group’s business model, just two years before the association celebrates its centenary in 2026!
Board memberships
- Treasurer: Hervé Barthélémy, outgoing; Stanislas Lucienne, incoming
- Social partners: Nicolas Blanc, CFE-CGC
- Companies: Air Liquide and Michelin, outgoing; Fédération des tiers de confiance du numérique (Yves Le Querrec), Union sport et cycle (Olivier Moucheboeuf), incoming; Airbus (Bruno Costes), Orange (Claire Chauvin), La Poste (Martin Bustarret), Université Gustave-Eiffel (Jean-Bernard Kovarik), renewals.
Find the full composition of AFNOR’s Board of Directors here.