Local authorities: the 2020 territorial management awards are launched

DGSs and territorial managers invited to take part in the 2020 trophies for public performance

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Afnor Territorial Management Trophy

In November 2020, at Territorialis, the AFNOR Group is launching the second edition of its trophies to reward local authorities whose general services aim for performance. Find out more about the system on July 23, 2020 during a free training session.

The renewed aim of the Trophées du management territorial, awarded to users of the Indiko Public Performance platform, is to reward those who are organized to conduct local public policies in an outstanding way.

Indiko Performance publique is an essential component of the AFNOR Group’s kit for the start of a new term of office, enabling local and regional managers to self-assess, with their team, the method and organization envisaged for managing their public policy. It’s an operational way of carrying out an X-ray of the community’s strategic project, mode of governance, responsible resource management, service management and – an essential point, judging by the green wave of municipal elections – commitment to the ecological transition.

Putting the first mandate projects on track

“Participating in the Trophées is a simple way of uniting a team around a first project, so that the first initiatives can be taken in the best possible way,” assures Halimah Pujol, AFNOR Group public sector delegate. As in 2019, all registered public managers will be in the running to receive the Territorial Management Trophies at Territorialis, the professional conference for territorial executives, on November 5 and 6, 2020 in Metz.

In 2019, teams from Niort, Lille Métropole and Vertou won awards. Cap and vision, sustainable orientation of their development strategy, participative governance, managerial performance of services and public policies aligned with territorial challenges… The teams of each city, led by their respective DGS, were rewarded for their actions to meet the societal expectations of all stakeholders in their territories (residents, associations, businesses…), to face the challenges expressed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (climate, water, energy, mobility, health, employment, efficient and exemplary institutions).

I’m embarking on a self-assessment and diagnosis of my organization

I’m taking the distance learning course on July 23, 2020, online and free of charge.