Residential electrical installations: the application guide to standard NF C 15-100 has been published

Dedicated to electrical installations in homes, the NF C15-100 standard is a must for electricians, project managers and architects. AFNOR Editions offers a guide to help them apply it to the letter.

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Dedicated to electrical installations in homes, the NF C15-100 standard is a must for electricians, project managers and architects. AFNOR Editions offers a guide to help them apply it to the letter.

Here’s THE essential guide to safe electrical installations that meet all regulatory requirements. Standard NF C 15-100 defines rules by theme (safety, control, etc.). This guide takes a complementary approach, bringing together in a single chapter all the texts relating to the same application (sockets, lighting, specialized circuits, etc.).

The NF C 15-100 standard application guide for residential premises takes into account and integrates the new amendment A5 applicable since November 27, 2015. For each text or excerpt of text, references are also given to the corresponding articles or paragraphs of standards NF C 15-100, NF C 14-100 and guides to which reference can be made. An indispensable working tool for all electricians, project managers, project owners and architects.

About AFNOR Editions

Guide_Application_Norme_ThumbAFNOR Editions is one of France’s leading publishers of professional and technical books, specializing in books, compilations and professional solutions. With a catalog of more than 500 books available, AFNOR Editions publishes some fifty expert works each year, covering all the crucial themes of the economy and business life: energy performance, professional efficiency, intercultural, environment, human resources, construction, agri-food, risk management, project management, management, quality, sustainable development and CSR, economic intelligence… As the official distributor of voluntary standards in France and a true reference in the field (30,000 French, European and international standards), AFNOR Editions also publishes all the collections of voluntary standards and regulatory texts issued or updated each year.

“Le guide d’application de la norme NF C 15-100 – Pour les installations électriques des logements” – 178 pages – ISBN 978-2-12-465569-4 – Go to online store