Best practices from local authorities: find inspiration in this white paper

Twenty or so representatives of towns, conurbations and departmental councils share the priority issues on which they have mobilized. A mine of information for those wishing to make the right choices at the start of their term of office.
How many mayors, department heads and territorial managers (re)discovered AFNOR during the covid-19 health crisis, with the barrier mask model? It’s true that this document, produced in a flash and made available free of charge, has made it easier for many of them to place orders or organize production locally!
The AFNOR Group supports local public authorities in a number of areas. As a house of best practices and an association with a public-interest mission, it supports their actions in areas such as public performance, the environment, management, regional attractiveness and the quality of customer service.
Useful feedback
On all these issues, some twenty local councillors and general managers in charge of economic development, policing and public services have agreed to share their experiences in a white paper that can be downloaded free of charge. ” This collection shows how local public-sector players define their priority objectives and take action, together with their teams. No grand speeches of intent! All are very concrete and explain, humbly, how they organize themselves. “says Halimah Pujol, public sector delegate for the AFNOR group. Dijon, Clichy-la-Garenne, Blagnac, Paris, Niort, Blois, Orléans métropole, Montpellier, Villeurbanne, Narbonne, Bordeaux… Discover their projects and actions to meet the challenges of our time!
Successfully resuming work and starting a new term of office
In addition to the testimonials, the AFNOR group is providing local authorities and their teams with an open-access toolbox on three key issues: prioritizing public action, carrying out a financial assessment, and ensuring the safe and sustainable resumption of activity in establishments open to the public (ERP). ” This crisis is an opportunity to territorialize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and I’m convinced that our territories are the most relevant local level for achieving them,” asserts Halimah Pujol. It’s also an opportunity to respond to citizens’ aspirations to better respect the environment, develop the social responsibility of organizations and, in so doing, transform our organizations.
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