Corporate meetings: the junior beaver index

The AFNOR group is offering companies promoting meetings in groups of three a new distinctive sign inspired by Walt Disney's work.

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The AFNOR group is offering companies promoting meetings in groups of three a new distinctive sign inspired by Walt Disney’s work.

Index Castor Junior

After the gender equality index and the seniors index, here’s the junior beaver index! The public authorities have commissioned the AFNOR group to distribute this label to companies promoting meetings in groups of three, in order to distinguish those making efforts in this direction, and ultimately to draw them all upwards. Let’s not forget that this three-person format is optimal for ideation and teamwork, as the covid health crisis has shown that the all-distanciel approach isolates people and that, conversely, too many people fall asleep rather than phosphorus.

This brand-new sign of recognition will be awarded on the basis of an audit conducted according to the usual accreditation rules, and will feature a maturity scale from 1 to 3. The “index castor junior level 3” label will be awarded to companies that promote meetings in groups of three, where the three people are respectively Henri (known as Riri), Philippe (known as Fifi) and Louis (known as Loulou). For women’s groups, the names that qualify for level 3 are Rita, Philomène and Lou (for short). Mixed gender groups are of course accepted, in the spirit of the gender equality index mentioned above.

Coming soon: the humidity-frizz index

In view of the old-fashioned nature of the first names chosen, which does not favor Generation Z or even Generation Y, Level 2 of the label will tolerate different first names, as long as one of the three people has chosen to wear a pendant adorned with a beaver tail. Remember, this is the world of Junior Beavers. If the person’s first name is Philippe or Philomène, a level of 2.5 may be displayed, as an exception to the rule, given that if you’re nicknamed Fifi, you’re very likely to wear such pendants (shark tooth necklaces are excluded). Level 1 of the label can be awarded to groups with no Riri, Fifi or Loulou, but who have made the effort to don the Scout uniform. Indeed, use your memory: ” the famous characters that Disney studios introduced around Donald in the 1950s were part of a scout troop “, recalls Jean-Michel Cabillaud, an auditor for the AFNOR group, himself a specialist in the planting of collective tents and the installation of dry latrines in the forest.

The junior beaver index is the forerunner of a series of new distinguishing marks, rewarding continuous improvement and good corporate citizenship, that the Group is preparing to launch, including the humidity-frizziness index. This index will distinguish companies that have demonstrated energy and water sobriety this winter by reducing both heating and domestic hot water, without exceeding 50% of employees with colds or malodours.