Energy management: should ISO 50001 be revised?

As any of you familiar with voluntary standards will know, standards are revised regularly, every five years or so, to keep pace with market realities. Originally published in 2011, the voluntary ISO 50001 standard, which is to energy what ISO 9001 is to quality and ISO 14001 to the environment, has already undergone its first revision, in 2018. In France, it is available in the AFNOR collection under the title NF EN ISO 50001. Among the parties consolidated at the time :
- It helps build an energy savings measurement plan with relevant indicators
- Demonstrates continuous improvement in energy performance
- It makes the energy savings envisaged more reliable and explains how to verify them.
- It puts you on track for the statutory energy audit.
Does she have to go through the process again? The international standards organization and its technical committee ISO/TC 301 are opening up the debate. Users and all energy management professionals are invited to respond to the consultation from November 16 to January 31, 2023. English is required, but you can also reply in French before January 16, 2023 by clicking on this link. We’ll keep you posted on the results!