Nanotechnologies: AFNOR and CEN to attend the 3rd European conference in Brussels

A 3rd open meeting on standardization for nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for safer products, production and uses is organized on 2 October 2018 in Brussels, by CEN/TC 352, for which AFNOR holds the secretariat.
Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials contribute to the development of innovative new products and services in various fields (example: information storage, electronics, cosmetics to energy, health, textiles, automotive…). All the major industrial sectors therefore take benefit from the advances made by these developments.
Nevertheless, these new technologies and their uses are to be framed to meet the needs of professionals, users but also consumers. The European Commission has mandated (through the M461 mandate) the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) to develop voluntary standards on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Developed within CEN/TC 352, by and for professionals of the sector, they frame the new products and services upon their arrival on the market. As a result of a consensus, they offer guarantees of quality, security and performance for the benefit of everyone.
The aim of this 3rd Open Meeting is to present progress of the work within mandate M461. The main CEN Technical Committees (TC) involved (TC 352 on Nanotechnologies, TC 195 on Air filters for general air cleaning, and TC 137 on Assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents), will show and explain their results. Poster sessions on standards under preparation will allow a direct dialogue between participants and experts.
Also various round tables will be organized with practitioners, researchers and politics makers: how to match standardization with the need of Industries? How to implement risk assessment tools in the innovation processes? This conference is open to all but the places are limited to those who register in advance. Participation and lunch are free of charge.
> Find out more about the meeting…
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