New “Mon CPF” application: 85 AFNOR Compétences training courses referenced

Looking for QSE training? Or in many other areas? Find them in just one click on the new “My training account” app, and register using your personal training account!
Applying for continuing education is now just a click away! On November 21, 2019, the Ministry of Labor launched the “Mon compte formation” application, developed with Caisse des Dépôts, with the aim of simplifying and fluidifying vocational training paths for all working people and jobseekers, in the spirit of the September 2018 law. AFNOR Compétences is a leading provider of training in management systems and related auditing, and has listed all 85 of its eligible training courses.
> Read more…
> Choosing your CPF-eligible training course at AFNOR Compétences…
Ministère du Travail