New NF X50-783: a strengthened and simplified version for becoming a handi-accommodating organization

A reference tool for organizations wishing to implement a disability policy and improve the integration of disabled people, the NF X50-783 standard is being strengthened. Thanks to users, it has been revised to offer simplified and adapted solutions.

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The new version of the NF X50-783 standard clarifies certain points through better wording, simplifies certain criteria, particularly those relating to accessibility, eliminates redundant elements, and generally makes the recommendations more concrete and easier to apply.

Since the publication of the standard in 2010, practices and attitudes have changed. It was therefore important to update this normative document, which is essential for organizations wishing to ask themselves the right questions to facilitate the accessibility and integration of disabled people. The revision was launched by and for the users of the standard, in order to enrich and improve it.

The standard contains 62 recommendations, ranging from accessibility to information and recruitment of disabled people, to workplace adaptation, career development and accessible premises.

The NF X50-783 standard is a relevant tool for becoming a handi-accommodating organization: developing a proactive policy for the inclusion of disabled people by examining all its practices and integrating elements linked to its disability policy. It is a real reference for defining and implementing a disability policy as part of a continuous improvement process, involving all the organization’s internal functions and players.

It helps to ensure better monitoring and communication of the role played by disabled people within the organization.

Order the NF X 50-783 standard “Accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities – Handi-accommodating organizations – Requirements and recommendations for the inclusion of people with disabilities in organizations”…

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