“Optimize your supply chain”, the new book by Thierry Roques

Forecasting demand, managing supplies and inventory… these are essential activities in which VSEs and SMEs have no room for error. They’ll appreciate the practical, operational side of this book by Thierry Roques, in the Gestion futée collection.
Logistics’ main mission is to deliver the right product, in the right quantity, to the right customer, at the right time and in the right place.
This new book has been written to make life easier for small businesses in terms of logistics organization. It teaches them how to manage logistics and flows to turn them into a competitive advantage. It enables them to build up a better vision of their costs, and therefore to control them more effectively. The aim of this book is to give VSEs and SMEs the keys and tools they need to tackle the logistics issue in an effective and straightforward way.
The logistics approach is essential to a company’s competitiveness, and concerns both day-to-day operations and decisions that commit the company over the long term.
> Order the book “TPE-PME – Optimisez votre chaîne logistique – Prévoir la demande, gérer les approvisionnements et les stocks”
ISBN: 978-2-212-465504-5 – Référence: 3465504 – 120 pages
About the author:
Thierry Roques is a professor in the Operations Management and Information Systems Department at KEDGE Business School. He teaches Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Purchasing in KEDGE’s Specialized Masters in Industrial Logistics and International Purchasing. He is also involved in training executives and managers for major French and international groups.
About AFNOR Editions:
In 2014, AFNOR Editions published 42 books by recognized experts, covering 14 business themes and addressing the concerns of professionals and individuals: professional efficiency, human resources, construction, agri-food, risk management, project management, management, quality, sustainable development and CSR, economic intelligence, international relations and negotiation… For a more informed public, AFNOR Editions publishes compendia (47 in 2014, book and CD formats) that bring together a set of voluntary standards and regulations on sectoral or topical themes. At the service of the general interest and economic development, the AFNOR Group designs and deploys standards-based solutions, sources of progress and confidence…