Would you like to get involved in CSR in the Centre-Val de Loire region? This program is for you!

The AFNOR group is offering 15 companies in the Centre-Val de Loire region the opportunity to invest in CSR, with financial support from the region. Group training, benchmark workshops, individual diagnosis by a consultant: a well-thought-out path to commitment!

Reading time : 2 minutes

When it comes to corporate social responsibility, there’s no one right way to do things. The wide range of benefits achieved by companies that commit to such an approach bears witness to this! They save water and energy, attract new talent, motivate teams, win new markets, improve their reputation, innovate and access financing! However, it is often difficult to make an effective commitment, or even to do so under duress when a customer asks to fill in a CSR questionnaire… Aware of these challenges, the Centre-Val de Loire region continues to encourage companies to develop their corporate social responsibility. It is financing a new collective program for 15 companies. An opportunity to be seized, at a time when the PACTE law is inviting the private sector to reform its business models!

5 VSEs and 10 SMEs eligible

Between now and the autumn, 5 VSEs and 10 SMEs from the Centre-Val de Loire region are expected to benefit from the collective CSR program, run by the AFNOR group. From October 2019 to December 2020, participants will receive a one-day collective training session on CSR, focusing on the direction set by the voluntary international standard ISO 26000. An expert CSR consultant will then carry out an individualized diagnosis of each company, to identify areas for improvement. Eight working meetings will enable all participants to set the pace for their action plan. Finally, a public half-day will provide an opportunity to share the best practices identified.

The AFNOR team in Orléans is available to help interested companies qualify their participation. Several.