Reading: the four books published in January by AFNOR Editions

Zen management, information security, intercultural communication and management, process modeling: four themes at the heart of four books newly published by AFNOR editions in January 2017.

Reading time : 4 minutes

Zen management, information security, intercultural communication and management, process modeling: four themes at the heart of four books newly published by AFNOR editions in January 2017.

Zen management, by Sébastien Dupont

How to stay on course in the midst of action? How can I interact more effectively with others? How to work better while having fun? How to manage stress and emotions? How can you develop your influence and progress?… This book teaches you how to combine performance and serenity, without sacrificing either.

Drawing on his fascinating experience working on the “Balard” project, the construction of the French-style Pentagon, and convinced that well-being at work is more than just a fad, Sébastien Dupont has designed this book as a real toolbox for managing projects and coping with everyday professional life. Through 101 tips, illustrated with key phrases, numerous anecdotes and quotations, the author offers every reader – whatever their hierarchy within the company – the means to create a healthy and positive work environment, conducive to dynamism, motivation and therefore results.


Zen Management

Order the book “Le management zen – Allier performance et sérénité” – 154 pages – ISBN 978-2-12-465571-7

10 keys to information security – ISO/IEC 27001:2013
by Claude Pinet

In this new edition, Claude Pinet details the content of the latest version of the voluntary ISO/CEI 27001 standard, which offers companies an effective organization for dealing with information security. The author shows how this tool, properly understood and implemented, can be used to develop a managerial approach to the issue. In a context where massive data leaks too often made the headlines in 2016, like the Yahoo! affair, it’s no longer enough to set up a state-of-the-art network and equipment to guarantee data confidentiality. Technical measures must be deployed in line with the company’s own risk analysis.

The author offers 32 technical sheets to accompany the methodological approach, providing practical tools for effective implementation of a management system, whether or not certification is sought.

Order the book
“10 keys to information security – ISO/IEC 27001/2013 – 216 pages – ISBN 978-2-12-465567-0


10 keys to information security

Intercultural management and communication
by Dominique Rey
The globalization of trade means that professionals need to be at ease in an intercultural context. À examples, Dominique Rey explains how to develop how to develop intercultural intelligence and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Working with Chinese buyers, setting up a new subsidiary in Brazil, setting up a project with Nigerians, recruiting in India, managing in Arab countries, and even understanding why it’s not easier to work with the English team… Dominique Rey has written a comprehensive book that clearly explains the dynamics of cultural differences, the difficulties and obstacles that can arise, and how to overcome them.

In addition to numerous case studies and testimonials illustrating these issues and how to deal with them, Dominique Rey also presents over 50 diagnostic tools and methods for decoding and managing differences. Readers will find ideas for adapting their practices to local mentalities and motivational levers, managing and motivating foreign or multicultural teams, and avoiding the pitfalls of unbridled partnerships with foreign countries.


Intercultural management and communication

Order the book
“Intercultural management and communication

– 452 pages – ISBN 978-2-12-465570-0

Innovative practice for process control (PIRMA model),
by Narjess Hedhili and Hatem Aouadi

Introducing process modeling accelerates the improvement process. Narjess Hedhili and Hatem Aouadi have published a book with the ambition of convincing all those involved in improving organizational performance.

The authors present the contents of the PIRMA model (Stakeholder, Interaction, Managerial Relations, Activity), applicable to one or more processes as well as to an entire company, while illustrating its implementation within an industry.

The structured method presented in this book enables you to control and channel progress towards priority processes. An indispensable book for all professionals