Responsible purchasing: from concept to practice in Normandy

The purchasing function is at the heart of a company’s CSR approach. In fact, the buyer is a key figure when it comes to managing environmental and social risks, revisiting relationships with suppliers, buying locally or from the social economy, and thinking in terms of the cost of use, not just the cost of purchase. SMEs all over the world are signing up to ISO 20400, the voluntary international standard (not certifiable) on responsible purchasing. Why? It’s a common language recognized by all supply chain stakeholders worldwide.
Assigned by ADEME to support companies in Normandy, the AFNOR group and its team based in Normandy are offering 36 months of support. This initiative receives 70% funding (€2,340 out of pocket) and is supported by the French National Purchasing Council. In addition to training courses and individual initiatives, the exchange of best practices will enable us to capitalize on feedback from the industries and sectors involved (medical, agri-food, logistics, construction, etc.) and to disseminate testimonials, examples and methods more widely.
The 4 stages of a responsible purchasing project
1. Committed companies begin the process with an online self-diagnosis to draw up and implement an action plan. After a very concrete approach, everyone begins their acculturation to responsible purchasing: using a checklist, the company representative goes through the various chapters of the ISO 20400 standard. The results are then the focus of a one-to-one discussion with a consultant, to initiate action within the company.
2. Participants then take part in a group training session entitled “Keys to implementing a responsible purchasing approach in line with ISO 20400”.
3. In parallel, thematic training courses enable you to work on more specific aspects, such as risk identification, procurement strategy, determination of requirements, specifications, supplier selection and evaluation.
4. One of the keys to ownership is exchange between companies. For this reason, experience-sharing sessions will also be organized in Rouen and Caen, with contributions from the sectors concerned.
Between now and October 30, 2021, interested companies can contact the AFNOR team in Rouen. Contact: Elisabeth Ayoul, tel. : 07 84 65 83 53