CSR: describe your practices

The AFNOR group, in partnership with BVA and Les Echos Executives, is launching a survey to describe and analyze organizations' corporate social responsibility approaches. Participate before September 27, 2019!

Reading time : 2 minutes
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The PACTE Act, the equal pay index and measures to promote the circular economy in France, the fourth anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals, European discussions on extra-financial reporting and sustainable finance… Today, companies can no longer ignore the challenges of social responsibility. If you don’t do CSR, you’re putting the short term ahead of the long term and undermining your reputation.

But what to do, how to do it, and how to show it? There are a number of common tools, methods and practices: as Olivier Peyrat, Managing Director of the AFNOR Group, pointed out here, ” the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), defined by the international ISO 26000 standard nine years ago, is becoming more and more concrete every day, as demonstrated by the widespread use of the term ‘stakeholders’, which had previously been neglected “. But maybe you have something to say, some recommendations to make, some advice to share?

If so, click on the button at the bottom of this text: from September 12 to 27, 2019, the AFNOR group, in partnership with BVA and Les Echos Executives, is launching a survey to describe and analyze organizations’ corporate social responsibility approaches and how they are valued by employees, customers and partners. By taking a little time to take part, you’ll be able to explain your practices, needs and expectations, and build up a clear picture of the situation. In return, you’ll receive a summary of the main findings, due in November, to help you put your CSR approach into perspective in relation to other organizations.

Finally, the results of the study will be on the menu of AFNOR Certification’s3rd national Engagé RSE meetings on November 7, 2019 in Paris, which will bring together companies wishing to display their commitment in this area with an objective sign of confidence. You can register here.

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