Training organizations: prepare for your Qualiopi surveillance audit

The AFNOR group is organizing regional workshops for professional training organizations renewing their Qualiopi certification.

Reading time : 3 minutes

Alongside its partners Acteurs de la compétence, AKTO and FNADIR, the AFNOR group is offering a series of regional meetings to help you retain the quality certification you obtained following an initial audit. This is the prerequisite for continuing to operate in the mutualized training market.

Are you a Qualiopi-certified professional training organization, based on the National Quality Standards (RNQ) drawn up by the public authorities and embodied in a 2019 decree? That’s fine, you’re in compliance with the requirement, set by the French government, to present this certification – the successor to the Datadock system – before January1, 2022, in order to continue to operate in the mutual-funded continuing training market. CFAs, VAE centers and skills assessment centers are also concerned. This certification serves as proof that you provide quality services, with rigorous organization.

Now it’s time to make sure it stays that way! In this case, to prepare for the surveillance audit and anticipate your renewal audit. Because if you lose this distinctive sign, which is valid for four years (three years if you start after 2021), you risk losing your financing and your customers! If you’re one of the first organizations to achieve Qualiopi certification, you’ll need to start a new certification cycle. The surveillance audit should be scheduled eighteen months after the date of your initial audit. It covers four main themes:

  • understanding your context and developing your offering
  • ensuring that your practices comply with the standard
  • monitoring the continuous improvement process (indicator 32)
  • application of the Qualiopi brand charter

Throughout the first half of 2023, the AFNOR Group, whose subsidiary AFNOR Certification delivers Qualiopi certification on audit, is mobilizing its regional delegations, along with its partners Acteurs de la compétence, Temfor, FNADIR, AKTO, etc., and offering you meetings in the field to discuss the best practices to implement in order to make a success of your surveillance audit. These free meetings will be attended by auditors and, depending on the region, by certified training organizations and CFAs, ready to share their experience. Choose your date, your region and register!