AFNOR public performance awards: the 2021 vintage

The AFNOR Performance publique 2021 barometer was presented at Territorialis, the annual meeting of the Syndicat national des directeurs généraux des services.

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The AFNOR trophies for public performance were awarded at the Territorialis trade show, in the presence of Stéphane Pintre, Managing Director of the Syndicat national des directeurs généraux des services, on October 14, 2021. First prize: the city of Metz.

The AFNOR trophies for public performance continue to highlight territories that stand out for their good practices in terms of strategy, social commitment, dialogue with stakeholders, value creation and change management.

The winning territories, chosen from among 170 participants, responded to the AFNOR barometer of public performance. This online self-assessment is an annual national observatory that measures, in the light of the sustainable development objectives set by the UN and the fundamentals of management, the strategic vision of territories, the sustainable orientation of the projects carried out, the choices of participative and responsible governance and the adaptation of public policies. It underscores the quality of territorial management and commitment to continuous improvement. You can download the findings free of charge.

  • 1st prize The city of Metz (Moselle), for its mature commitment to society, with a3rd-generation project for sustainable development and solidarity.
  • 2nd prize – The community of communes of the Bassin de Pompey (Meurthe-et-Moselle), for its mastery of the fundamentals of management: rigor, method, efficiency and operational steering, demonstrated by numerous signs of recognition (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, Citergie label).
  • 3rd prize – The community of communes of Thiers-Dore-et-Montagne (Puy-de-Dôme), for its pragmatic, human-centered engineering approach to sustainable development, involving the 30 communes in its area in a highly collaborative process.
  • Special prize – The Creuse prefecture, for its forward-thinking support, based on an adapted partnership strategy, for local projects and players, as well as for its service reorganization plan, both qualitative (Quali-Pref label) and participative, involving all staff.