Come and talk energy in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Centre-Val-de-Loire

After Lyon and Dijon, it’s now the turn of AFNOR’s representatives in Bordeaux and Orléans to invite companies to share their expectations and best practices in the field of energy management.
United we stand, divided we fall. AFNOR has adopted the Belgian regional motto to offer companies in Centre-Val-de-Loire and Nouvelle-Aquitaine the opportunity to share their energy-related questions, expectations and best practices in a dedicated club. The topic is highly topical: low-carbon strategy, energy sovereignty to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons and countries with contested regimes, the European Union’s Repower EU plan, the first deadlines for the “tertiary decree” in France…
In companies, these issues fall into the lap of the energy manager, who doesn’t always have all the instructions. Hence these regional AFNOR clubs, inspired by similar initiatives in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, with the support of in-house expert Paule Nusa. “ The idea is to share and compare technical and organizational aspects between companies whose common denominator is a current or finalized commitment to
ISO 50001 certification
energy management certification,” sums up Anne Youf, AFNOR regional delegate for the Centre-Val-de-Loire region, whose club will hold its second session on July1, 2022. ISO 14001 environmental management certification can also be a key entry point.
ISO 50001: manufacturers speak out
In the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, the initiative has already won over nine companies from a wide range of sectors: food processing, fuel distribution, industrial carpentry, winemaking, and so on. The Charles-Perrens psychiatric hospital in Bordeaux, which is ISO 50001 certified and equipped with a biomass boiler, is also worth noting. ” Many economic players have come to energy management through the compulsory energy audit, which is mandatory in Europe for companies with more than 250 employees .
ISO 50001 certification exempts you from this audit. For companies, it’s an opportunity to gain a foothold in the world of voluntary standards, which list good energy management practices, and to think in terms of continuous improvement, a culture specific to certification, for example by exchanging ideas on the pitfalls to avoid during renewal audits. “, explains Muriel Lacroix, AFNOR regional delegate for Nouvelle-Aquitaine, whose club meets on June 15, 2022.
Last but not least, a nationwide initiative from Normandy, in partnership with ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency): a series of webinars in which industrialists present the best practices they have implemented in their organizations, based on the voluntary ISO 50001 standard. Here are the four dates:
- May 10, 2022(replay here)
- June 23, 2022(registration here)
- September 8, 2022(registration here)
- October 18, 2022(registration here)