European voluntary standardization 2016: accessibility, environment and smart technologies in the spotlight

Construction, healthcare, toys, energy… Sector by sector, CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) together reveal their work program for the coming year.
Discover, for each of the 21 sectors covered, the activities planned for 2016, the stakeholders already involved, the requests for voluntary standards (mandates) expressed by the European Commission…
“The CEN and CENELEC work program provides a standardization overview of the most significant activities to be developed over the next year,” explains Elena Santiago Cid, CEN-CENELEC Director General. “We hope this will inspire other stakeholders to participate […] at national level, through CEN and CENELEC members.”
In the wake of COP 21, the environment is one of the priority themes for 2016. Voluntary standards provide concrete solutions to the fight against climate change. Whether it’s a matter of counting and comparing greenhouse gas emissions, or the circular economy, or building transport and energy infrastructures that are more respectful of our environment…
Other themes include accessibility and “smart” technologies. In 2016, CEN and CENELEC will be pursuing the development of a voluntary standard providing clear guidance on how to approach accessibility by implementing “Design for all”. The objective? Ensure that a product, building or service can be consulted, understood and used by as many people as possible.
In the field of smart technologies, the two organizations anticipate greater deployment of standards work in the areas of ” smart cities “, intelligent transport systems and connected objects.
“When you read our work program, the information is in your hands. By taking part in our activities, the future of European standardization can also be in your hands!” continues Elena Santiago Cid.
The two bodies will continue their transversal actions, such as the support module for SME participation in voluntary standardization, the teaching of voluntary standardization, Research and Development, international cooperation and actions towards their members (i.e. national standards bodies such as AFNOR).
Created in 1961, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) brings together the standards bodies of the member states of the European Union (EU) and the Economic Free Trade Association (EFTA), plus two countries applying for EU membership. In all, the CEN has 33 members, one from each country. CEN’s main mission is to draw up and update European standards.
The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) has the same number of members, and is responsible for drawing up voluntary European standards more specifically in the electrotechnical field. Created in 1973, this committee brings together the electrotechnical committees of the member states of the European Union (EU) and the Economic Free Trade Association (EFTA), plus two countries applying for EU membership.
> Discover the CEN-CENELEC 2016 work program…
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